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The pilot project of producing electricity from solar energy for the city of Nabeul and the Mrezga of the water treatment station was presented in Nabeul.

The project, whose development cost is estimated at about 3 million dinars (1.25 million euro), is co-financed by the European Union to the tune of 2.3 million dinars (975,000 euro).

Work began in April 2015 and will continue until March 2017 (duration 24 months). According to allegations made by Ms. Barbara Cosentino from the Institute for University Cooperation, which coordinates the project, this project forms part of the South-Tunisie SUDEP program launched by the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and created for support the cities of the Southern Neighbourhood in the implementation of urban development projects involving the exploitation of renewable energies.

Ms. Cosentino said that the project has two components: the installation of two photovoltaic power plants (one near the town and the other near the water treatment plant) and the training of technical and administrative staff of the town of Nabeul and dell’Onas regional management. The project will enable the production of 347 megawatts of photovoltaic electricity per year.


Source: medNews


The logistics sector of Tangier continues to attract foreign investors: after multinational Adidas and 3M, this time turn on French Decathlon Group, specializing in sporting goods, to undertake the management of warehouses for the handling of its products. By the end of 2016, in fact, Decathlon will carry out its logistics in the area dedicated to the Tanger Med port, called MedHub. It’s provided the use of an area of over 20,000 square meters of warehouses, which will be the logistics center of Decathlon in Tangier. It’ll be the second largest one in the world, after that of Singapore, which handles all the merchandise destined for Asian markets. Through the platform of Tangier, which initially will occupy 160 employees, Decathlon send their products to the markets of the Mediterranean and West Africa. As revealed by the Spanish press agency EFE, Decathlon would have selected between Tangiers ten alternative locations, but chose the Moroccan city thanks to the stability of the country, the number of ferry connections and the proximity of the logistics area at the cargo port. In the near future, Decathlon will assess the opening of another of identical size warehouse in an adjacent land.


Source: medNews


LThe Levant Investment Bank (LIBANK), Lebanese bank for private investment and manages a portfolio of investments of US $ 500 million, of which US $ 200 million for the Lebanese market and US $ 300 for the foreign market, bought investments in two IT companies (information technology) Lebanese: M media and Torch Sal, for a US $ 5.9 million, according to the circular 331 of the Lebanese Central Bank.

In the Torch in Sal, launched in December 2015, the LIBANK bought the 68% to US $ 3.4 million. The activity of this start-up focuses on programming, coding, mobile applications and cloud computing. It has for aim to help entrepreneurs develop new ideas for mobile applications and to educate them so that they transform their ideas into business ventures. It will offer scholarships to graduates. Finally, the Torch Sal connect entrepreneurs to financiers to help them develop their business.

In the M media, launched in 2012, the LIBANK bought 12.5% to US $ 2.5 million.

The M media is presented as a platform for the sale of e-books online. In 2016, they will be released 5 episodes and a film version of a play room. This platform is open to the entire Middle East region.

The LIBANK also bought a third software company, always according to Circular 331 of the Lebanese Central Bank. This company is developing a software program for banking services. This acquisition will become official after receiving approval from the Central Bank.

The LIBANK, which has a branch in London in charge of putting on the stock exchange the PMI. It was said that the same will be do in Lebanon if the Lebanese Central Bank will create the ETP platform (electronic trading platform). This platform will have for mission to provide liquidity to start-ups and the PMI that will put their actions on it.


Source: medNews


With a rise of one point on the expected target of 6.5% inflation rate in 2016 the increase in the price of red meat represents a critical factor on consumption. Therefore, the government precisely to avert a further reduction, it will ease the cost of permits for the import of meat.

Rising food prices and the depreciation of the lira were indicated by the Turkish Minister of Economy Mustafa Elitas as the two main factors that influenced the inflationary trend of recent years.

The operation on permits for import is part of a more structured plan to rein in the general inflation trend.

Good news for the many Italian companies of industry and trade of meat and dairy products in Turkey could record in perspective a rising in market share.


Source: medNews


The European Union launched in Tunis the program to support competitiveness of services (PACS) for Tunisia. The program funded by the European Union with a donation of 20 million euro aims to support economic operators in various sectors, providing them with more tools to be more competitive in international markets. The areas included in the program are: healthcare, transport, logistics, telecommunications and tourism. The PACS program has three priorities: strategic support to the Ministry of Commerce, direct technical assistance to about 500 businesses and support the implementation of a quality insurance system for 30 public and private hospitals. The service sector in Tunisia accounts for 63.3% of the national GDP. “The program allows Tunisian economic actors to address the challenge of innovation and make their products more competitive, while helping to create growth and jobs in the regions”, Laura Baeza said.


Source: medNews


The Renault – Nissan group released the production data in 2015 of its factories in Morocco: in Melloussa (Tangier) and in Somaca (Casablanca). In these two factories there were assembled 288,053 cars, all under the Dacia brand, with a growth rate of 26% compared to 2014. Tangier is the factory that had the highest growth of production (229,025 cars; 79,5% of the total) while in Casablanca were assembled 59 028 vehicles, corresponding to the remaining 20.5%. There are produced four models of Dacia in Morocco: Sandero (143,049 units, 49.7%), Dokker (71,515 units, 24.8%), Logan (40,826, 14.2%) and Lodgy (32,663, 11.3 %). The export of  vehicles (equal to 256,500 units) followed a positive trend (+ 25%) almost identical to that of production; Tangier is the factory that mostly works for export (94% of the cars there assembalte). The three main foreign markets of destination of Dacia cars “Made in Morocco” are France, Spain and Turkey which account for over 45% of exports. The Renault – Nissan group has in Morocco a workforce of 9,653 employees. It has also organized an international logistics platform (ILN), which stores parts and components manufactured by 19 vendors in Morocco and sends them to other factories in Brazil, India, Colombia, Romania and Argentina. In 2015 the components of traffic passed through the largest cargo port of Tanger Med has reached the volume of 86,617 cubic meters equivalent to 1,425 containers.


Source: medNews


The European Union will provide a loan of 35 million euro (38.5 million) to build and equip nine plants for sorting and composting of waste in North and South of the country. The Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform (OMSAR) is in charge of the launch of tenders for the construction and equipping of establishments in Baalbeck, Srar Akkar, Tripoli, Dannieh in North and Bint, Jbeil, Nabatieh and Tyre in South. OMSAR with the municipalities concerned will manage the tenders for the operation of facilities and the state will pay the costs for the first year. The cost of waste treatment, including transportation, should be around the $ 25 per tonne.


Source: medNews

Malcom J. Naudi

On behalf of the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) I extend our congratulations to Malta News Agency (MNA) on its establishment.

In a world that is ever more connected, messages may be fragmented but authoritative local sources are few and far between. We trust that MNA will faithfully represent the events in Malta and Gozo that are of international interest, reporting without fear or favour for the benefit of its audience – readers, viewers and listeners around the world.

The Institute also expects the team at MNA to report to the highest ethical standards, as laid down in the Code of Journalism Ethics, to ensure that trust is built over time in the way that the local scene is covered.

Best of luck as you build your local network and disseminate your services beyond our shores.

Malcolm J Naudi
Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) – Malta



Aġenzija ta’ l-Aħbarijiet!? Pass wara pass fl-istorja tal-ġurnaliżmu Malti wasal ukoll il-mument li jinstabu l-kuraġġ u l-ambizzjoni biex f’livell nazzjonali tinħoloq għajn oħra ta’ informazzjoni u aħbarijiet indipendenti. Idea ġdida u differenti minn dak li fl-aħħar snin it-teknoloġija  twebbilna bih ta’ kuljum. Servizz li l-għeruq tiegħu huma dawk tradizzjonali, klassiċi, iżda kif jurina l-operat ta’ kuljum, jibqa’ fundamentali fil-qasam tat-tixrid ta’ l-informazzjoni u l-aħbarijiet. Dawk il-ġurnalisti biex insejħulhom hekk maturi (jien inkluż) jafu xi jfisser ikollok gabuba fejn, f’kakofonija ta’ storbju ta’ metall jimmartella fuq il-linka, rombli sħaħ ta’ karti jinfirxu ma’ l-art bl-aħbarijiet mill-agenziji barranin, dawk bi ħlas u dawk li l-qawwiet mill-Punent u mill-Lvant kienu jqassmu b’xejn f’kull kamra ta’ l-aħbarijiet ma’ l-erbat irjieħ tad-dinja biex jgħidu tagħhom. Illum dawn l-għejjun għadhom hemm…. fis-skiet assolut……iżda iktar b’saħħithom minn qabel! Iż-żminijiet jinbidlu u kif! Dak iż-żmien kienu l-unika tieqa fuq id-dinja, tneħħi t-televiżjoni taljan u xi stazzjon tar-radju fuq il-frekwenzi qosra.

L-għan ta’ Malta News Agency huwa dak li toħloq servizz ta’ informazzjoni nazzjonali mmirat għall-professjonisti ta’ l-aħbar u għal kull min għandu interess li jkun infurmat, b’mod immedjat u b’garanzija ta’ kwalità, b’dak li jkun qed jiġri fil-pajjiż u madwaru. Malta llum għandha rwol ferm akbar fix-xenarju reġjonali u internazzjonali, u xieraq li jkollha leħen b’saħħtu hija wkoll. Ir-rabta mall-Aġenzija ITALPRESS hija wkoll importanti għaliex bl-esperjenza u l-firxa tagħha se tkun qed twassal lill hinn minn xtutna l-aħbarijiet meħtieġa b’mod koordinat, u fl-istess ħin issaħħaħ il-qasam ta’ l-informazzjoni sportiva kemm lokali u anki barranija. Il-kollegi Cucci u Zuccala’ żgur li m’għandhom bżonn ta’ l-ebda introduzzjoni mad-dilettanti Maltin tal-logħba tal-ballun u ta’ bosta dixxiplini oħra. U l-entużjażmu tagħhom għal din l-avventura, emmnuni, huwa impressjonanti….. semmilhom Malta u ma jieqfux jirrankutaw l-esperjenzi tagħhom!

Dan il-websajt huwa biss vetrina…..Malta News Agency hija xi ħaġa oħra….!



Down Memory Lane

Malta has represented my debut in my international career as a sports journalist! That was 50 years ago.
In early 1963 I was assigned the first coverage of the ‘Nazionale’, the ‘azzurrini’ of the semi-professionals. The coach was Mr. Galluzzi, called “I’ggallo”, in the dialect of Tuscany.
I still remember some of the players, such as Ferrari Enzo (!), who became the first coach in a foreign country, with the Real Saragozza.
In Malta we had won, but in my memory lane there still is a particular event, nothing to do with sports. There, I discovered the Beatles. In the narrow streets of Valletta the air was resounding with “Please Please Me”, the very first hit of the Liverpool boys.
Later on, the Island’s football also gained a place in the “Guerin Sportivo”, of which I was the Managing Editor, and on my return to the Island, I discovered that the Maltese sports enthusiasts knew me even before I started participating in Rai’s Tv programmes, which were followed by the Maltese juventini, interisti, milanisti, napoletani, – like ‘Domenica Sportiva’, ‘Processo del lunedì’ and ‘Domenica Sprint’.
After half a century, on the occasion of the return to Malta of the National Team, – with Antonio Conte at the helm ready to face the boys of ‘our’ Ghedin – it seemed to me more than natural the launching of a project which draws me even closer to Malta. The setting up of the first Maltese national news agency in partnership with Italpress, the dynamic agency, which along to its specialisation in Sports carries a wide spectrum of news on political, economic, entertainment, environment, and why not, rule of law issues. Our’s – mine – is a passion for the Mediterranean which finds its roots in a common culture, over and above that fascinating Nature that embellishes our surroundings.
I am confident that this adventure will contribute to the further development of the local information sector, and together with you, will become the flagship of information in the Mediterranean.
Un augurio per tutti: buon lavoro!

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