
Italy-Tunisia, focus on renewable energy and vital raw materials

Italy-Tunisia, focus on renewable energy and vital raw materials

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, met the Tunisian Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Fatma Thabet Chiboub, at Palazzo Piacentini. At the centre of the bilateral discussion, industrial cooperation between Italy and Tunisia, with a focus on supporting SMEs and innovative start-ups, in particular in the strategic sectors of technological innovation, digital and artificial intelligence.?During the meeting, the two Ministers expressed their intention to create new opportunities for interaction and investment in the sector of renewable energy and essential raw materials and to promote institutional cooperation between the research centres and tech hubs in both
countries, with the aim of enhancing innovation, creating new infrastructures and encouraging the development of the sector’s supply chains.
Finally, the focus turned on the decisions taken by the G7 ministerial meeting on Industry and Technological Innovation with regards to new technologies and on the AI Hub for Sustainable Development, a project of the Italian presidency, in line with the key principles of the Mattei Plan, aimed at encouraging engagement between Italian and Western companies and African startups, to strengthen local AI ecosystems and create new opportunities for industrial growth.

– Photo MIMIT press office –


Source: medNews

Malta looks forward to work with the new U.S. administration

Malta looks forward to work with the new U.S. administration

VALLETTA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The main political forces in Malta have congratulated United States President elect Donald Trump.
Prime Minister Robert Abela has expressed his best wishes to Donald Trump for his US election victory. Abela said he looks forward to working with the US “to deliver the peace, stabiilty and prosperity that the world’s people deserve”.
Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and foreign affairs minister Ian Borg also congratulated Trump. In a Facebook post, Borg said that Malta looks forward to continuing working closely with the US.
Giving his best wishes to the returning president, opposition leader Bernard Grech stated he wants to see a strengthened relationship between Malta and the US. “We look forward to a strengthened relationship between Malta and the United States of America promoting shared values and opportunities that benefit both our nations and the people”.
-photo Ipa Agency –

Source: medNews

MEPs approve Maltàs commissioner designate

MEPs approve Maltàs commissioner designate

BRUSSELS (BELGIUM) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Maltàs commissioner-designate Glenn Micallef was approved by MEPs to serve as European Commissioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport on Monday, following a three-hour European Parliament grilling.
Micallef, 35, is the youngest commissioner-designate who was assigned the portfolio by Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.
Micallef answered MEP questions about a raft of issues, from screentime for young people to cyberbullying, equal pay for female and male athletes and transgender controversy in sports.
However, his replies stuck firmly to EU policy initiatives. He highlighted the Commission plans to introduce a cyberbullying strategy and a commitment to hold an inquiry on the impacts of social media.
The Maltese candidate faced a series of ideologically-loaded questions from members of the three political groups on the far-right: the European Conservatives and Reformers, the Patriots for Europe and the Europe of Sovereign Nations. However, Micallef repeatedly asserted his commitment to European values, including equality, diversity and non-discrimination.
He emphasized the need to give young people a voice in EU decision-making while noting with concern that young people are increasingly not bothering to vote.
He told MEPs that he had a clear commitment from von der Leyen to strengthen Erasmus+, the EU’s flagship youth, education and sports training programme.
His closing address saw Micallef hailing MEPs as staunch supporters of the young and of Europès sports model, and stating that it would be a great privilege to work with MEPs in the years to come. An invitation that was met with an encouraging applause from MEPs.
The final decision on whether to approve the new European Commission as a whole will be taken by the European Parliament, following a debate in plenary scheduled to take place between the 25th and 28th November. It will then be the European Council to officially appoint the Commission, so that it can start its five-year term.

– Photo Department of Information Malta –


Source: medNews

Maltese workers work more hours than the EU average

Maltese workers work more hours than the EU average

MALTA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Maltese workers consistently register more hours than their EU counterparts. In 2023, full-time employees in Malta worked an average of 40.4 hours per week, compared to the EU 27 average of 39.6 hours. This trend has been consistent over recent years, with Maltese workers consistently putting in longer hours. The gender gap in working hours is also evident. In 2023, male full-time employees in Malta worked an average of 40.7 hours per week, while females worked 39.9 hours. Both figures exceed the EU averages of 40.1 hours for males and 38.9 hours for females. Over the past six years, Maltàs labour market has experienced significant growth, particularly in the 15-64 age group, where the activity rate rose from 74.1% in 2018 to 80.7% in 2023. This increase was largely driven by female participation, with their activity rate rising by 9.7 percentage points, compared to a 3.1 percentage point increase for males. The highest activity rates were observed among those aged 25 to 54, with 96% of males and a notable 10 percentage point rise for females in this group. In 2023, 78% of individuals aged 15-64 were employed. Male employment rates grew by 0.7% annually, while female rates saw a stronger rise of 1.9% per year. Maltàs national employment rates generally exceeded EU27 levels, particularly for the 15-24 age group, where 50.4% of Maltese youth were employed compared to 35.2% in the EU.
The gender employment gap narrowed between 2018 and 2023, largely due to initiatives encouraging female participation in the workforce. However, in 2023, Maltàs employment gender gap was still 4.3 percentage points higher than the EU27 average. The service sector was the primary driver of employment growth, increasing its share from 57.0% in 2018 to 63.1% in 2023.
Unemployment in Malta has steadily declined, with the rate falling to 3.5% in 2023, below the EU27 average. Youth unemployment, at 5.1%, was also lower than the EU27 average. Additionally, the rate of young people not in employment, education, or training, stood at 8.2%, which was lower than the EU27 figure. Long-term unemployment in 2023 was notably low at 0.8%, 1.3 percentage points below the EU27 average.

– Photo Agenzia Fotogramma –


Source: medNews

Malta, new government proposals to solve traffic and parking problems

Malta, new government proposals to solve traffic and parking problems

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese government has announced a set of proposals to ease the traffic situation on the island. The proposals will be subject to consultation with the public and stakeholders as confirmed by the Transport Minister Chris Bonett. He added that the measures will start to be implemented in the second quarter of 2025, and end in the third quarter of 2026.
Among the proposals unveiled by the government to ease traffic congestion, Minister Bonett announced off-peak service provision, revised bus routes, increased parking in public spaces, and better coordination on road works.
The government’s proposals are based on six pillars: a 24-hour economy, incentives to limit the use of vehicles, parking, public transport, road works coordination, and sustainable mobility.
The government is expected to lead by example, proposing services such as waste collection, cleansing, landscaping and driving licence lessons should not be carried out during peak hours. The government will also discuss with the private sector minimise the 60,000 commercial vehicles during peak hours.
The Transport Minister referred to the proposal to limit the use of passenger vehicles by introducing incentives for people to surrender their driving licence and convincing youths to refrain from obtaining their licences. He added that the finance ministry has already allocated €5 million to such incentives.
Meanwhile, more park-and-ride facilities, open spaces that can be used as parking facilities such as schools and technology-based solutions to improve the parking situation in localities are being proposed to solve parking problems.
The Maltese government is proposing a complete overhaul of the public transport system. This measure would take place in the medium term. The changes to take place in short term include new bus routes to industrial estates, circular bus routes within big localities, and new bus routes that have fewer stops.
Meanwhile, a new committee will be created to improve coordination on roadworks.
There are over 225,000 car owners in Malta, with over 55,000 individuals having more than one car to their name. Transport Minister said he does not believe the number of vehicles is the main problem, but the biggest issue concerning traffic is the fact that they are being used at the same time.
– photo Doi –

Source: medNews

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Malta next month

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Malta next month

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (MNA/ITALPRESS) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is expected to visit Malta next month to represent Russia in a meeting for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which Malta currently chairs.

This means that Malta will be the first European Union country to host Lavrov since Russia invaded Ukraine.

When Russian media asked the Maltese embassy in Russia, it replied that every member of the OSCE is invited to the organisation’s meetings. According to Russian media, the information was also confirmed by the official representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova. The meeting in Malta will take place between 5th and 6th December.

Lavrov has been serving in this position since 2004. In recent years, he has strongly defended Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, alleging that the Ukrainian people needed to be freed from the “tyranny” of the Ukrainian government.

Despite the invasion, Lavrov maintained that Russia did not attack Ukraine and that it had a mission to free Ukraine from a “Nazi regime”. Last year, during a meeting of the G20 nations in India, various delegates were unimpressed by his claims that Ukraine attacked Russia, not the other way around.

Lavrov, together with the remainder of Vladimir Putin’s Cabinet, is under European Union sanctions in connection with the illegal invasion. Despite this, this does not mean that Lavrov is completely barred from entering the EU.

The last time Lavrov visited an EU country was a trip to Stockholm for an OSCE gathering in December 2021, according to the Russian foreign ministry.

In 2023, Lavrov traveled to North Macedonia for an OSCE ministerial, after Bulgaria gave permission for his plane to cross its airspace en route to Skopje. The move sparked criticism from Kyiv, with several countries including Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania choosing to boycott the meeting over Lavrov’s participation.


Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

Malta, Ivorian was planning terror attacks in France

Malta, Ivorian was planning terror attacks in France

VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – An Ivorian national, 32, holding an Italian identity card was arrested by the police in Malta, and charged with multiple terrorism-related charges.
Facebook Messenger chats involving the suspect appeared to indicate that Mouhamadou Dosso was encouraging third parties to travel to France to carry out suicide bomb attacks.
The Ivorian was arrested on Thursday morning at approximately 5am on Triq Giovanni Barbara, Hamrun, after weeks of surveillance and intelligence analysis conducted across multiple police departments. The raid stemmed from information received by the police anti-terrorism unit.
The police surrounded two neighbouring properties associated with the suspect, confiscating several electronic devices, including servers, believed to be used in the distribution of extremist content. He was subsequently taken to the Police Headquarters in Floriana for further questioning.
Upon arraignment, he pleaded not guilty to various terrorist offences, including knowingly instigating terrorist acts and participating in an organisation to promote some political object by the use or display of physical force.
His legal aid lawyer did not request bail at the arraignment stage. The Magistrate remanded the Ivorian in custody.

– Photo Malta Police –


Source: medNews

Malta, government announced tax cuts to low income earners and the middle class

Malta, government announced tax cuts to low income earners and the middle class

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese government announced a significant revamp of Maltàs tax system for 2025, promising to put “€550 million back in peoplès pockets” while simultaneously reducing energy subsidies. While presenting the Budget speech for 2025, Finance minister Clyde Caruana announced a comprehensive tax reform raises the zero-tax threshold to €12,000 for single taxpayers, while married couples will now enjoy tax-free earnings up to €15,000. Parents will benefit from a new €13,000 threshold. During the Budget speech, Finance Minister Clyde Caruana said other EU countries are introducing more taxes. He showed an online article quoting Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, Italian Minister of Economy and Finance declaring that the Italians will be asked to do more sacrifices in 2025. However, these tax adjustments, that will cost the Maltese government 140 million, come alongside a significant reduction in energy support measures. Government spending on energy subsidies will decrease from €300 million to €175 million in 2025, despite ongoing cost-of-living pressures faced by ordinary households. The budget presentation was notably interrupted by Moviment Graffitti protesters, accusing the government of “dancing to the tune of developers.” They raised concerns about the influence of property developers on government policy. Their dramatic demonstration inside the Parliament Chamber, highlighted growing public anger about the direction of Maltàs economic development.
The government’s economic strategy appears firmly focused on meeting EU fiscal targets, with plans to reduce the deficit to below 3% of GDP by 2026 – a year ahead of schedule. This achievement, however, comes as public debt is projected to reach €13.5 billion by 2027.
GDP growth is expected to remain robust at 4.3-4.5% over the next three years, significantly above EU averages. Yet questions remain about how this prosperity will be distributed, particularly as the gap between government revenue and expenditure is set to widen, with recurrent expenditure dropping to 27.5% of GDP by 2027 while revenue holds at 31.5%.
As part of a broader strategy aimed at balancing the growing demands on the pension fund with long-term sustainability, the government will be extending the required years of contributions for full pension eligibility from 41 to 42 years for individuals born in 1976 or later.
Addressing a press conference following the Budget speech, Prime Minister Robert Abela pledged to follow up the 2025 Budget with a series of “action plans” which, he said, would address the “major challenges that our country is facing.” Among other issues, he said, these would aim to address Maltàs tourism sector, pledging that Malta would no longer measure success by the volume of tourists that reach the country every year.
Abela insisted that the government would be implementing a number of short-term and medium-term solutions to traffic.
He said that Maltàs growing population and its impact on infrastructure was now the most important concern for the Maltese public, and insisted that the budget “was the start of an action plan to address and solve these challenges.” He also rejected suggestions that transforming Maltàs economy should “close the door to the construction sector.” Meanwhile, Opposition leader Bernard Grech said the Budget was an attempt by Robert Abela to save his political career in the shadow of Labour’s poor electoral result in last Junès European Parliament election. “The government knows what the peoplès problems are – the quality of life, infrastructure, over population, services, power cuts, drainage problems – the Budget fails to address these problems,” he said.
The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry said that while the Government has recognised the importance of quality over quantity, the Budget 2025 still lacks the necessary measures and economic vision to drive a major quality leap and a tangible improvement in the well-being of society.

– Photo Agenzia Fotogramma –


Source: medNews

Meloni “Libya is a major economic partner”

Meloni “Libya is a major economic partner”

ROME (ITALY) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “Our goal is on the one hand to relaunch collaborations that have been at a standstill for a long time and on the other to expand collaborations that have always continued and above all to explore together new forms of cooperation. I wanted to be here in Tripoli today to reiterate the commitment of Italy and the Italian Government to be alongside Libya and its people in this new reconstruction and development phase. Libya represents a major economic partner for Italy, our excellent trade relations are proof of this”. This was stated by the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, at the Italy-Libya Business Forum in Tripoli. “We consider the relationship with Libya a priority for Italy and Europe. We are convinced that the deep cooperation that binds us has not yet expressed its full potential. The relationships between our companies have never been interrupted and there is a common interest in leaping in quality, even compared to what we have done so far”, Meloni explained. Furthermore, “Italy is for Libya the privileged gateway to one of the largest energy markets in the world, the European one, made up of 500 million consumers. This offers us a double opportunity: to work to become a hub for energy flows between Italy, Africa, and Europe, a true supply and distribution hub and to be a pivot for the conjunction and connection of new interconnections, which must be infrastructural and economic, to which we are also giving voice through the Mattei Plan for Africa”, concluded the Prime Minister.
-Photo credit: Palazzo Chigi-

Source: medNews

Maltàs debt exceeds 10 billion euros

Maltàs debt exceeds 10 billion euros

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Maltàs government debt has exceeded €10 billion for the first time, reaching €10.01 billion by September 2024. According to figures released by the National Statistics Office, the debt represents a substantial increase of €653.8 million compared to 2023, primarily driven by a €779.8 million rise in Malta Government Stocks. Additional increases were noted in Foreign Loans (€71.8 million) and Euro coins issued by the Treasury (€3.8 million). The government simultaneously reported a surplus of €142.3 million in its Consolidated Fund, painting a complex picture of the nation’s fiscal health ahead of today’s budget speech. Malta was placed under the EU’s Excessive Deficit Procedure in July 2024, alongside seven other member states. The Malta Fiscal Advisory Council (MFAC) added its voice to these concerns, particularly regarding the government’s energy subsidy policy. Finance minister Clyde Caruana recently indicated that energy subsidies are expected to cost €160 million in 2025, equivalent to 0.7% of GDP-a reduction from 1.4% in 2023.
Despite this, the government’s revenue collection saw substantial growth, with Recurrent Revenue reaching €5.49 billion, marking a €747.8 million increase from the previous year. The primary sources were: Income Tax: Up by €381.2 million, Value Added Tax: Increased by €158.4 million and Social Security: Rose by €106.7 million.
-. Photo credit: Malta Tourism Office-

Source: medNews

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