
EU urges Libya to protect its cultural heritage from criminal activities

MALTA (LA VALLETTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The European Union Ambassador to Libya, Nicola Orlando, has called for the protection of Libyan cultural heritage from looting, trafficking, and vandalism. Orlando inaugurated an international conference on the protection of Libyan cultural heritage in Tripoli, with the participation of 20 experts from five European countries. Among the participants were archaeological missions, and representatives from law enforcement agencies from Italy, in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities and Tourist Police of the Ministry of Interior. “Libyan cultural heritage is extraordinary. It belongs to all Libyans and to humanity. It represents our rich, common Mediterranean roots. Its economic and employment potential is remarkable,” he said. “This is why together we must protect it from looting, trafficking and vandalism,” he added. He emphasised that the European Union and its member states are proud of their partnership to protect and preserve Libyan cultural heritage, contributing to national unity and reconciliation. (ITALPRESS).

Foto: Ufficio Ambasciatore UE in Libia

Source: medNews

Libya and Tunisia discuss cooperation to tackle illegal migration

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Libya and Tunisia agree to increase the consultation and coordination at both regional and international levels, particularly concerning the challenges of irregular migration and human trafficking. The emphasis was on a collaborative approach to address these pervasive issues that affect both nations. This follows a high-level meeting between Nabil Ammar, the Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration, and Tunisians Abroad, and Taher Salem, who is in charge of managing the Libyan Foreign Ministry under the Government of National Unity (GNU). This meeting underscores the ongoing commitment between Tunisia and Libya to work together on critical regional issues, including enhancing security measures and tackling the complex challenges posed by migration patterns in North Africa. Earlier this month, Algerian Interior Minister Ibrahim Murad announced that Algeria has agreed with Libya and Tunisia on a joint approach to develop border regions as part of efforts to combat irregular migration. This agreement was revealed during a quadripartite meeting held in Rome, Italy, chaired by Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and attended by Imad al-Trabulsi of Libya’s Temporary National Unity Government and Tunisian Interior Minister Kamel Feki. The German NGO Sea-Watch International is reporting that the Tunisian National Guard is being accused of deliberately leading to the capsize of a boat with 42 migrants on April, 5. 16 migrants lost their lives, while survivors spoke about the brutal actions of the Tunisian authorities. Meanwhile, the Libyan authorities said that the Oil Crescent Security Directorate had thwarted an attempt to smuggle 33 illegal immigrants on the seashore in the Al-Arasa area, west of the city of Brega. Two boats and four cars were seized, which were used to transport immigrants from the desert roads to the seashore. Two Libyans and an Egyptian smuggling boat captain were arrested, as well as two Palestinians and a Mauritanian involved in an attempt to smuggle immigrants, most of whom hold Egyptian nationality. (ITALPRESS).

Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

Malta, Deputy PM Fearne resigns over fraud charges

VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese deputy prime minister Chris Fearne has presented his resignation from the Labour government’s Cabinet, following the criminal charges filed against him on the controversial privatisation of three state hospitals that have inundated the Labour administration.

Fearne is set to be charged with misappropriation, obtaining money or property by false pretences and other fraudulent gain. All charges are aggravated by damages over €5,000, although the exact amounts are not yet known, and the fraud is said to have taken place at the government’s expense.

Chris Fearne, also Labour’s deputy leader for parliamentary affairs, has also resigned from the post of deputy Prime Minister as well as minister for reforms.

In his letter of resignation, he also informed the Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela that he was withdrawing his nomination for European Commissioner.

“I am resigning with immediate effect from the posts of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Government. Having the same respect for European institutions I also ask that my nomination to the College of European Commissioners be withdrawn. My solitary and humble hope is that the judicial process to clear my name is expeditious. If, upon its conclusion, the country calls on me to serve again, it shall find me ready,” Fearne said in his letter of resignation to Robert Abela.

Fearne is insisting on his innocence, noting that though he did not know the contents of the inquiry, he knew what he did and did not do. He also quoted the findings of the National Audit Office in its damning assessment of the concession that was ultimately cancelled as fraudulent by the courts, and which found that Fearne was being kept away from any significant involvement in proceedings.

– Photo Department of Information Malta –


Source: medNews

Maltàs candidate for EU commissioner to be charged on fraud accusations

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS) – Maltese Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of European Funds and Maltàs candidate for European Commissioner following June elections Chris Fearne is facing a number of fraud accusations in connection to the criminal inquiry on the privatization of three state hospitals.
Fearne is set to be charged with misappropriation, obtaining money or property by false pretences and other fraudulent gain. The same charges applies to the Central Bank governor and former finance minister Edward Scicluna, and a number of senior government officials.
The political futures of European commissioner nominee Chris Fearne and central bank governor Edward Scicluna who is also a member of the ECB’s governing council are in danger after the publication of the criminal charges.
The revelation comes just hours after it was confirmed that charges were being issued against former prime minister Joseph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri, along with 12 other individuals and 8 companies, with Muscat, Mizzi and Schembri are facing charges of bribery, money laundering and criminal association among other charges. The court is being asked by the magistrate to impose a freezing order to around €30 million each on Muscat, Mizzi and Schembri.
Nationalist MEP David Casa has warned deputy prime minister Chris Fearne of the “difficult test” he has to face before assuming his role as EU Commissioner due to his inaction of the hospitals’ concession.
“Before Fearne starts packing for Brussels, he should remember that the position of Commissioner is not automatic but depends on a test before the European Parliament,” Casa wrote. Casa added, “he has nine months to undo what he did given his role in the corrupt hospitals’ deal and make sure that the €400 million are recovered.”

photo: DOI


Source: medNews

Ghribi “Dialogue, cooperation and respect for Euro-med relations”

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Improving living conditions in poor countries in the Middle East and Africa through dialogue, cooperation, and mutual respect with Western economies. This is the goal of Kamel Ghribi, not only as a successful investor but also as a person building ties between his home country, Tunisia, Africa, the Middle East, and the world.
The chairman of the GKSD Investment Holding group is involved in various countries in highway, airport, healthcare, and other infrastructure projects. In Tunisia, his homeland, he also promotes exports on international markets, as Financial Afrik recalls in a long article dedicated to him. His main objective is to transform Tunis into a center for industries and target its products to the rest of the African and Middle Eastern markets.

Born into a modest Tunisian family with nine brothers and sisters, he learned international business from his father, a businessman from Sfax. After the sudden death of the latter, he took over the reins and developed the activities thanks to the experience and expertise inherited from his father. At twenty-nine, he was appointed vice president of the Olympic Petroleum Corporation in New York and served as President of Olympic Management in Italy. In 1994 he became CEO of Olympic Energy, a European-based holding company active in the energy sector. He also served as president of Attock Oil Company before it was sold in 2005. Currently, his main ambition is to foster the creation of an adequate economic climate, capable of improving living conditions in the Middle East and Africa through dialogue, cooperation, and mutual respect with Western economies. For Ghribi, only by strengthening cooperation and dialogue with the most developed nations, it will be possible to promote the reconstruction of poor economies and fragmented societies.

He is also committed to this task in Libya and has provided advice to entrepreneurs and
governments, such as Kenya under former president Uhuru Kenyatta.

From Sfax to the small elite of international finance, GKSD has an extremely diversified portfolio, ranging from healthcare and legal and tax consultancy to engineering.
Ghribi is vice president of the San Donato Hospital Group (GSD), Italy’s largest private hospital group. After the earthquake that hit Syria, Ghribi and his group decided, in coordination with the Italian authorities, to send medical equipment, including
ambulances, to participate in the rescue operations.

He has also signed partnership agreements with the Egyptian state to invest in the healthcare sector and other sectors. “As a Tunisian and Arab proud of my origins, I consider Egypt as the heart of Arabism, the gateway to Africa and the bridge between past and future, and Tunisia as the cradle of history, culture, arts, and homeland, which deserves all the support, especially at this time,” he said in an interview with the Kapitalis newspaper,
underlining the importance of “strengthening historical ties between the poles of the Mediterranean so that the two forces can meet again and unite to chart a unique future for the North African region and the Mediterranean basin”. For this reason, the leader in the industry believes it is necessary to establish a bridge between Egypt and Tunisia, to be exploited further in Arab-Mediterranean cooperation.

– Photo GKSD –


Source: medNews

Malta, ex Premier asked Police to question him

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Maltese former prime minister Joseph Muscat declared that he is ready to answer any question related to the criminal inquiry over the privatization of three public hospitals.
In a Facebook post, Muscat revealed that he has written to Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa asking to call him for questioning. “I have nothing to hide, and have no qualms with being transparent… I wrote to the police commissioner and told him to call me in as soon as possible and as soon as he has the conclusions of the Attorney General on the hospitals’ inquiry, answer any question he may have and show the facts,” he said. Muscat added, “this is a political vendetta against me and my family. I will remain determined that the truth will come out,” he added.
It was revealed last Tuesday that a magisterial inquiry into Muscat and other ministers’ role in the Vitals deal to privatise three state hospitals had been concluded.
Meanwhile, along with former Minister Konrad Mizzi and former Chief of Staff at the Office of the PM, Keith Schembri, who are expected to be arraigned on money laundering charges, the Maltese media is reporting that Deputy prime minister Chris Fearne and former finance minister Edward Scicluna, today occupying the post of Governer at the Central Bank of Malta are among others who are likely to face charges related to the Vitals hospital deal following the conclusion of the inquiry by senior magistrate Gabriella Vella. According to the reports, Fearne and Scicluna would be charged of complicity in fraud and money laundering, but not with money laundering directly.
Yesterday Fearne said that he was not worried since he had no doubt that the courts could only find him innocent of any wrongdoing.
Maltese Prime minister Robert Abela, meanwhile, said that even criminal charges against a cabinet minister would not be sufficient for resignation. Abela continued to be critical of magistratès conduct, insisting that magistrates should not make “political judgments”.

– Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma –


Source: medNews

Malta, Government in total chaos, deputy PM ready to resign

VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese government led by the Labour Party is under continuing pressure following the conclusion of a criminal inquiry into the privatization process of three state hospitals. The magistrate concluded her inquiry last week and passed on the report and 78 boxes full of evidence to the Attorney General. The magistratès conclusions still have to be published.
The Maltatoday quoted sources within the Labour Party parliamentary group, saying that Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne is ready to resign if his name is mentioned in the hospitals inquiry, and if the parliamentary group wishes that he resign.
“I am hearing that my name is mentioned in the inquiry and if so, I am willing to resign if the parliamentary group wants me to”, Fearne is reported to have told his parliamentary colleagues.
The Deputy Prime Minister was health parliamentary secretary under former Labour Minister Konrad Mizzi when the hospitals deal was concluded with Vitals Global Healthcare in 2015 and later health minister when the concession was transferred to Steward Health Care in 2018.

– Photo Department of Information Malta –


Source: medNews

Meloni meets with king Abdullah II of Jordan

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, received King Abdullah II of Jordan at Palazzo Chigi today. President Meloni and King Abdullah II discussed the situation in the Middle East, expressing their hope that ongoing diplomatic efforts for a sustainable ceasefire and the release of prisoners, in line with UN Security Council resolution 2728, would soon be successful. The two Leaders focused on the humanitarian situation: President Meloni expressed her strong appreciation for Jordan’s crucial role in this regard and reiterated Italy’s commitment to providing humanitarian assistance to the civilian population in Gaza, also in cooperation with Jordan.

– Photo: Agenzia Fotogramma –


Source: medNews

Ghribi “Great potential in Kenya. Fair partnerships for Africa”

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “My official visit and the GKSD team’s visit to Kenya continues to participate in high-level talks with key personalities in the government and within the economy sector. The ongoing institutional meetings are useful in identifying potential areas of collaboration between GKSD/GSD and the Government of Kenya”. This was stated by Kamel Ghribi, president of GKSD Investment Holding, on Instagram.
“Kenya has taken a leading role in changing the way business is done in Africa and is a country where investments can be made in areas such as healthcare, green energy, sustainable engineering, design and construction for the benefit of both the governments and businesses”, said Kamel Ghribi, while referring to the prospects for the development of sustainable agriculture and the leather industry that has great margins for growth also thanks to numerous free trade agreements with the United States and European Union countries.
He emphasized the lack of high-level global cooperation that impedes the progress of sustainable and long-lasting investments in Africa. “This is why I have always actively supported energy transition projects, infrastructure development, affordable healthcare and inclusive and equitable partnerships not only with Africa but also with the MENA region. And even from here, from Kenya, we are ready to serve Africa through fair and just partnerships!”.

– Photo GKSD –


Source: medNews

16 and 17 May MEDITeH Beyond, the medical science closest to the people

MILAN (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The MEDITeH Beyond International Summit ( will be held in Catania on 16 and 17 May, to mark the birth of a collaborative network dedicated to research and development in digital health, in the area of the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East.
In recent years, following the path indicated from 2017 onwards by the National Center for Telemedicine of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (CNTNT) directed by Professor Francesco Gabbrielli, Italy is developing telemedicine for the entire Italian population as a tool at the service of medicine, amplifying its purpose and potential, breaking down physical barriers determined by distance, increasing equity of access and the quality of care. Diagnosis, therapy and treatment can be increasingly facilitated by these services, with particular importance in the case of chronic and vulnerable patients, i.e. those who require constant monitoring. The potential of this technology can bring about change and support the reorganization of health services, which can be equally distributed across the territory, nationally but not only, reducing inequalities between areas where there is a greater presence of health facilities and those that are less served. All this can also be supported by the investments envisaged in the PNRR, but careful collaboration between all the stakeholders of the health system is necessary: ??research centres, universities, health bodies, manufacturing companies and institutions. Collaboration is the essential point to create local digital health services, but also to develop new technological solutions and advances in medicine. This collaboration must be able to expand internationally by seeking sharing, collaboration and exchange.
“MEDITeH Beyond is the first Summit that wants to promote collaboration in digital health beyond the shores of the Mediterranean and, even further, towards Africa and the Middle East. But, above all, it is the starting point of new partnerships to apply digital technologies and registers concrete progress in medicine in various countries”. This was explained by Professor Francesco Gabbrielli, professor of e-Health at the San Raffaele University of Rome and Director of the National Center for Telemedicine Guidelines-SIT, who emphasized the strategic importance of this promising international collaboration.
The two-day Summit, promoted by Diplomatia with the Health Policy Commission and the Scientific Direction led by Gabbrielli himself, will focus on the study and sharing of concrete ideas and projects from all participating countries. The first day includes, in addition to institutional greetings, an in-depth session on the evolution of biomedical sciences and a workshop to share the scenario, present and near future, on digital technologies at the service of the medical-scientific sector, with presentations by illustrious scientists and national and international professionals invited to the Summit. The discussion will address various macro-themes, highlighting the possibilities for the development of telemedicine services in the current reality and highlighting the prospects of applied research in the healthcare sector using digital technologies. The working areas will be the following: accessibility to treatment and prevention; management of major emergencies (such as, for example, pandemics, earthquakes and natural disasters); protection of chronic patients; care and rehabilitation in digital health; clinical care and research in oncology. During the working sessions, for which registered participants will be able to attend, the delegates will put forward ideas and contribute to the development of a short position paper.
“Telemedicine and medicine itself are a team game and this requires that we work to apprehend all possible differences. Collaborating with different realities allows us to visualize possible future scenarios and difficulties and prepare to respond. Italy has always been projected into the Mediterranean cultural area and, if in the last century and a half, international balances have shifted more towards the Atlantic, it is true that for millennia Italy has played a very important role in the extended Mediterranean area which includes the Middle East. And this makes us forerunners in our transatlantic European collaborations, where we bring a cultural uniqueness that few other players can boast”, said Professor Marco Manca, President and co-Founder of ScimPulse Foundation, who is also part of the scientific committee and will lead one of the discussion tables.
The general position paper that will be drawn up by the scientific committee starting from the contributions of the working groups will subsequently be disseminated publicly, as a tool to facilitate collaboration between healthcare institutions, research centers, universities and productive businesses that formally join the Summit.
MEDITeH Beyond is therefore only the first step in building a lasting collaborative network for the development of medicine through digital technology between the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East, in which Italy presents itself as a promoter and facilitator.

– Foto MEDITeH Beyond –


Source: medNews

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