
Malta urged to process freedom of information requests transparently

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (MNA/ITALPRESS) – A European study is suggesting that the Maltese authorities should process freedom of information requests (FOIs) quickly and transparently and be held accountable if they fail to do so.

The report “Monitoring Media Pluralism in the Digital Era” and published by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom concluded the “urgent” need for the Maltese authorities to bring the freedom of information requests in line with international best practice. “Freedom of information requests need to be addressed in a timely and transparent manner, and when authorities fail to do so, they should be held accountable,” said the report.

The report added, “access to information remains a pressing concern in Malta, and not only for government-critical media.”

The difficulty in accessing information on matters of public interest, such as public spending, for the purposes of this report is a testament to the culture of secrecy and lack of transparency, it said. Rating the right to information in the country as being at “high risk”, the report said it was more at risk than last year, highlighting “the general tendency of the government to sideline and ignore critical media”.

Citing a letter sent to Prime Minister Robert Abela last year where Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic criticised Malta’s “unwarranted secrecy within state institutions”, the report said authorities’ refusal to release information wasted journalists’ time by reducing the news value of the information.

The Media Pluralism Monitor 2024 report also called for the Public Broadcasting Sevices to move out of state control and for party political broadcasters to “no longer enjoy the position whereby they get privileged access to information.”

The European University Institute also flagged politicians’ use of social media, which they said made it “easy” for them to “sideline” journalists and the mainstream media. Noting that the government had a “leading position” as a buyer of advertising on Facebook, the report said the layout of social media content made it difficult for viewers to distinguish it from news content.

The report rated the viability of the media in Malta as being at “high risk” and riskier than last year, pointing to the use of social media as a major factor.

Calling the representation of minorities and gender equality in the media “dire”, the report highlighted “issues of gender imbalance, low visibility of minorities, and limited access to people with disabilities”.

Rating the profession, its standards and protects as being at “medium risk”, the report noted that “many voices” in the industry called for more protections for independent journalism.

It said “public warnings” should be issued to media organisations that fail to observe “fairness and transparency” about its choice of experts and how they represent minorities.

Overall, the strength of the media in Malta was rated as being at “average risk”, with a score of 37% risk.

Denmark scored the highest (13%) closely followed by Germany (16%), while Turkey came in bottom at 75% and was rated as being at “high-risk” in four out of the five main categories.


Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

In Rabat the first stage of the roadshow on the Mattei Plan

RABAT (MAROCCO) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The event “Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Morocco and Italy” took place at the Rabat campus of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) in Morocco. The initiative was promoted and organized by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), the Med-Or Foundation, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and the Italian Embassy in Rabat. The event was attended by the Italian Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, the Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, and the Italian Ambassador to Rabat, Armando Barucco.
In the context of new opportunities in the field of research, education, and entrepreneurial activities, the Med-Or Foundation and the Ministry of Universities and Research signed a memorandum of understanding in March 2024 for collaboration within the framework of the Mattei Plan. In this context, the initiative represented the first stage of the roadshow on the Mattei Plan aimed at fostering collaboration between the Italian and Moroccan academic and industrial sectors in the field of higher education and research.
This initiative is in line with the cooperation agreement signed in September 2023 with the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation in the field of higher education and scientific research, under which Med-Or committed to funding a PhD in STEM, awarded to a deserving Moroccan student.

– Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma –


Source: medNews

A bridge between Italy and Morocco at the Levante Fair in Bari

BARI (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “Morocco is a land of great opportunities, especially in view of the 2030 World Cup”. The invitation to Italy to ‘look South’ comes from Puglia, and more precisely from Bari, directly from Mohamed Karim Sbai, of the National Order of Architects of Morocco at the meeting held today (June 28) at the Fiera del Levante in Bari.
The aim of the Fiera del Levante is to create a bridge between Italy and Morocco, which is currently experiencing a real estate boom. In the presence of the president of the Nuova Fiera del Levante, Gaetano Frulli, the president of the Order of Architects of Bari, Cosimo Damiano Mastronardi, and numerous architects from the region, Sbai recalled how the furniture and interior design sectors are experiencing a period of particular development, “here the value of Italian designers and architects,” he added, “is known and appreciated”.
“Meetings like today,” recalled Frulli, “are important for the process of internationalization and the new Levante Fair gave it an impetus.” Frulli announced that in the next edition of the Bari Championship, in the space dedicated to furniture, a B2B exchange will be promoted between Moroccan buyers and operators of the sector who will exhibit and present their products. “To bring here architects and other designers from all over the Mediterranean basin and the Balkan region, which is the market we want to turn to, is strategic because we give companies opportunities to sell. On the other hand, in that sector the architect has now become the real buyer”.
It is no coincidence that the furniture industry is a sector devoted to foreign dialogue in Morocco: imports mainly living room furniture (41%), kitchen and bathroom furniture (28%), office furniture (11%), while the rest is divided between bedrooms, furnishing accessories and outdoor furniture.
“Today a synergistic relationship was created between Fiera del Levante and the Order of Architects of Bari,” declared Mastronardi, adding, “the synergy between entities is important to elevate the quality, we can offer our skills to grow and meetings like those of today and those of the Campionaria will allow an exchange of cultures that is important for the growth of all”.
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Source: medNews

Malta with the highest rate of low education despite high spending in the sector

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (MNA/ITALPRESS) – According to Eurostar, Malta has one of the European Union’s highest shares of people with a low level of education, despite the spending in education is very high.

According to the EU statistics agency, 40.8% of the Maltese population has less than upper secondary education attainment. The only other EU member states with similar education statistics are Portugal, Italy, and Spain with 46.2%, 41.7% and 40.1% of their respective populations having low levels of education.

The Eurostat data shows that 31.1% of the Maltese population obtained medium education, which comprises upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education.

In nearly every country, there are more people with medium-level credentials with a vocational orientation rather than a general orientation. This was not the case in Malta. “The extent to which such qualifications prevail in a country reflects both national education systems and labour markets,” Eurostat noted.

According to Eurostat’s data, 28.1% of Maltese are highly educated, which includes people who attended universities and other tertiary education institutions.

The data also notes that Malta, along with Denmark and Luxembourg, stands out due to the difference of education levels between men and women, where the difference stands higher than 7% in favour of women.

A 2023 European Commission report on Maltese education and training notes the discrepancy between Malta’s expenditure on education and its outcome.

The report notes that Malta’s spend on education and training in 2021 totalled 12.7% of total public expenditure, making it the third highest in the EU. The Commission noted that this shows, “the relative importance and weight of the education sector compared to other areas of public spending.” Despite this, the same report highlights that Malta’s education outcomes are “still below the EU average.”


Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

Brussels, MoU between ports of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and Damietta

BRUSSELS (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Sustainable development and green transition. This is the objective of the memorandum of understanding signed in Brussels between the president of the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea (AdSP), Luciano Guerrieri, and the president of the port authority of Damietta (Egypt), Ahmed Hawash. The agreement was signed in the headquarters of the Tuscany Region, in front of the European Commission building.

The initiative lays the foundations to encourage the development of energy trade between the two shores of the Mediterranean, with particular attention to hydrogen. This will be followed by the start of a feasibility study, the results of which will be presented in November, during hydrogen week.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerns cooperation activities in the field of sustainable development in ports, administrative and operational management, logistics and the multimodal transport system (road, rail, river) and finally the green transition in ports with the development of hydrogen-related activities.

The coast of Tuscany, with the ports of Livorno and Piombino at its centre, has all it takes to present itself as the first Italian maritime-port hydrogen valley. It will focus on the development of a complete H2 supply chain which will have to start from applications in some already ready for the energy switch and then aiming for longer-term targets, including the construction, on the Tuscan quays, of a terminal for the import of hydrogen (and/or ammonia) by sea.

– Photo xf4/Italpress –


Source: medNews

Ivory Coast, Piantedosi meets Interior Minister Diomandè

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi paid an official visit to the Ivory Coast on 25, 26 and 27 June, where he met General Vagondo Diomandé, Minister of the Interior and Security.

The Italian Home Affairs Minister, together with his Ivorian counterpart, attended the “first stone laying ceremony” of the Civit Project in Dohouba, carried out in collaboration with the IOM, which involves the construction of other police posts on the borders with Liberia and Mali, and the training of the Ivorian police officers
to combat human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

“The objective that we set with Minister Vagondo Diomandé a year ago, during my previous visit has been achieved,” declared Piantedosi, adding, “it is a result that testifies the understanding and synergy between all the players in the field and the consolidation of relations between our two countries, also thanks to the fact that the
Ivory Coast is among the priority partners of the Mattei Plan for Africa”.

“The action of our Government,” continued Minister Piantedosi, “has the objective of fueling the growth process that will make the African continent one of the main players in the coming decades, also giving confidence to the many young people who will no longer be forced to emigrate for a better future.”

“After a year of close bilateral collaboration with the Ivory Coast,” the Italian Home Affairs Minsiter, “the irregular arrivals of Ivorian citizens on the Italian coasts have reduced by 92% compared to the same period of the previous year. Thanks to the work, understanding and friendship with the Ivorian Minister we have achieved important objectives, which form the basis for continuing looking to the future.” (ITALPRESS).


Foto: ufficio stampa Viminale

Source: medNews

Ed Sheeran thrilled a record crowd on his first concert in Malta

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – It was a thrilling experience on Wednesday night for a record enthusiastic crowd of around 34,000 that was present for the first ever concert given by English singer and songwriter Ed Sheeran. Sheeran opened the concert in Tà Qali grounds greeting the cheering fans. “This is my very, very first time in Malta and I’m so glad to be here,” he said, followed by his first track “Castle on the Hill”, accompanied by a show of lights and fireworks. He took the crowd on a whirlwind of hits from his Mathematics series of albums. In-between tracks he spoke about his music career and personal experiences from turning up to pubs in England where “no-one cared” to “travelling the world”. Ed Sheeran involved the crowd throughout the concert with songs like ‘Give Me Lovè, ‘Lego Housè and ‘Galway Girl’.
A particular emotional moment was when he spoke of the death of his best friend in 2022, before introducing the song ‘Eyes Closed.” “It only hit me when I put dirt on his grave that he was not coming home,”. Sheeran recalled.
One of the highlights was a medley of songs like “River”, “Beautiful People” and “I Don’t Care”. Another crowd pleaser was “Thinking Out Loud”.
Towards the end of the two-hour show, Ed Sheeran appeared on stage wearing a Malta football shirt, describing Malta as a “lovely place”, he told the crowd how “it’s been a wonderful gig”.
Malta, year after year, keeps on attracting artists of the highest standard in the entertainment world.
Ed Sheeran participated at the Lucca Summer Festival by two gigs on 8-9 June. Seven percent of tickets for Sheeran’s concerts have been bought by overseas fans.

– photo xf3/Italpress –

Source: medNews

Malta registers an upward trend in Covid-19 cases

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Malta recorded three deaths and 83 hospitalisations due to COVID-19, a health ministry spokesperson has confirmed. There were 232 notified cases of COVID-19 in the past four weeks, but no hospitalised patients were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. The health authorities confirmed that Malta has registered an upward trend since mid-May, reflecting what is happening in the rest of Europe.
The dominant variants circulating are KP,KS and JN which are mutations of Omicron BA.2.86. Precautions are being taken at Maltàs main general hospital over the rise in cases. Persons admitted to Mater Dei hospital with symptoms suggestive of respiratory infection are tested through a respiratory screen and positive cases are isolated in line with ECDC protocols.
– Photo credit: Agenzia Fotogramma –

Source: medNews

Eco Fox, new joint venture between Q8 and Fox Petroli

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Q8 Italy and Fox Petroli today signed the final deed of purchase by Q8 of 50% of Eco Fox S.r.l., a company totally controlled by Fox Petroli.

Eco Fox has been operating in the biogenic fuel market in Italy since the 1990s, producing a range of advanced biodiesel and by-products for industrial use. It has a factory located in Vasto with a production capacity of 200,000/tons, a fiscal warehouse of 30,000 m3 of storage and supporting logistics capable of receiving and shipping products by sea and land.

The acquisition of the company shares by Q8 was approved by the Directorate General for Competition of the European Union, by the Competition and Market Authority and subjected to the Golden Power regulations (Law 21/2012 and subsequent amendments).

The first Eco Fox Board of Directors meeting was also held today and is made up of two Managing Directors, represented by the two shareholders and five Board Members, of which 3 appointed by Ecofox and 2 by Q8 Italia.

Fadel Al Faraj, Executive Vice President Marketing of Kuwait Petroleum International described this agreement as a “particularly important acquisition”, representing a starting point for the Q8 group in implementing its vision of becoming a leading player in the production of sustainable biofuels in Europe.

“This year in which the Q8 brand celebrates 40 years in Italy, our history is intertwined with the evolution of our supply chain to guarantee customers sustainable mobility, integrated into our business model, which also ensures the value of the company in the long term and facilitates a fair and sustainable energy transition,” said Al Faraj, describing it, “a complex challenge but achievable with the support of our precious ecosystem of stakeholders”.

– Photo Q8 press office –


Source: medNews

Piano Mattei, Eritrea proposes partnership with Italy

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki proposed a strategic partnership with Italy on four priority sectors during a bilateral summit with the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso. Also present during the summit representatives from large Italian companies. Renewable energy, water, manufacturing and infrastructure for road, rail and port development were listed as the priority sectors for the economic and productive development of Eritrea. Discussions were also focused on new and further collaborations into mining, agriculture and livestock, tourism and air transport for the recovery of Asmara. Healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors were also on top of the agenda. “The desire for Italy emerges everywhere and it shows the awareness that our country can play a fundamental role today for the development of Eritrea and for the stability of the area”, stated Minister Urso on the sidelines of the summit, while visiting some companies and production plants in the Asmara region. During the official visit to Eritrea, Urso is accompanied by an Italian delegation made up of the director of Enel Grids & Innovability, the managing director of the Fincantieri Infrastrutture Polo, the International Affairs manager of Ferrovie dello Stato, and the International Agronomic director of Ferrara land reclamation. This morning the delegation visited some production sites, together with the Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh Mohammed, the economic advisor Hagos Gebrehiwet and the Minister of industry and trade, Nesredin Bekit. The delegation visited the Asmara station, from where the railway connection to Massawa was built by the Italians; the glass factory another project built by the Italians which was abandoned for decades, an important dam recently built with a photovoltaic system, and an agricultural area recently converted into plantation. “Italian companies have a natural predisposition to work in Eritrea, as demonstrated by the consolidated relationships developed over the years and the tangible presence of Italy wherever there is a production site, clearly still visible in the machinery and know-how”, commented Urso.
Also present was the head of telemedicine of the Polyclinic “Agostino Gemelli”, who delved deeper into the possible forms of healthcare collaboration at the local hospital in Asmara.
– Photo credit: Mimit press office –

Source: medNews

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