
Malta and Libya agreed to extend agreement on migration

LA VALLETTA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Maltàs Prime Minister Robert Abela has announced the extension of an agreement on migration with Libya, following bilateral meetings between Abela and Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh in Tripoli. The agreement, initially signed in May 2020, has been extended for another three years.
Abela praised the existing agreement’s effectiveness, claiming it has “meant saving the lives of thousands of people including women and children and a sharp drop in arrivals of irregular immigrants.” He stressed the need for continued cooperation between European countries and countries of transit or origin to address illegal immigration. The agreement will include training and assistance in civil protection provided by Maltese authorities to Libyan counterparts.
However, the extension of this agreement comes amid longstanding concerns about the treatment of migrants in Libya. Malta has also faced repeated accusations of ignoring distress calls and participating in illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers to Libya, a country deemed unsafe for disembarkation by the United Nations.
During a press conference, Abela emphasised the strategic importance of the partnership between Malta and Libya, framing it within a broader context of EU-North African relations.
The timing of this agreement came just ahead of today’s Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli. This summit will bring together EU member states, the European Commission, and African countries to discuss migration issues.
Robert Abela will address the Forum on Migration in the Mediterranean.
Meanwhile, the Maltese Prime Minister highlighted potential collaborations in sectors such as renewable energy and trade. He added Malta could serve as a “commercial bridge” between Europe and North Africa.Abela said Malta viewed Libya as a strategic partner with the European Union in the Mediterranean in important areas such as renewable energy.
“Malta emphasised the importance of the Mediterranean region… our country has the credibility to push for a strategic partnership between Europe and North Africa. Our country is also advocating for a European Commissioner for the Mediterranean, as evidenced by the MED9 meeting in Malta, where we stressed that the Mediterranean should be made a centre of clean energy that drives the commitment for a decarbonised Europe and Mediterranean”, Abela said.
The two counterparts also discussed the potential for further growth in commercial relations between the two countries, including an agreement on air connectivity. Malta was the first EU member state to resume flights between Malta and Libya. “Malta can continue to facilitate and serve as a logistics hub between Europe and North Africa”, Abela said, describing the two countries’ ports as “a commercial bridge between the two continents”.
-photo DOI-

Source: medNews

Palermo, 350 thousand for the 400th feast of Santa Rosalia

PALERMO (ITALPRESS/MNA) – According to the Municipality of the Sicilian capital, 350 thousand people have poured into the street to celebrate the ‘Santuzza’ This confirms a record turnout for the 400th feast of Santa Rosalia in Palermo.
“It was a popular party,” commented the mayor of Palermo Roberto Lagalla, adding, “It was a party offered to the many tourists visiting Palermo, on the occasion of the fifteenth-century feast of Santa Rosalia in the city of Palermo. Yesterday evening showed that the emotion felt during this year’s feast is still strong, which, I am sure, will remain in the memory of the many who have been able to live it up so closely. The wish is that the message that we wanted to convey in this feast, which is hope and desire to be reborn, remains imprinted, but also an invitation to love and respect the city and to do it together.
Lagalla said the fifteenth century was organized in a spirit of collaboration and synergy. “For this, I must thank the Curia and Archbishop Lorefice for the path of sharing undertaken already last year given the fifteenth-century anniversary. I thank Deputy Mayor Cannella and his personnel, the Council, and the committees that contributed to the realization of the feast, from the Sicilian Region to the Sicilian Regional Assembly, and to all the cultural and trade associations. My thanks go to the organizers, starting with Marco Balich who believed in the story of Santa Rosalia and her miracle. A heartfelt thanks to the Administrative officials and to those who allowed the feast to be held safely and, therefore, to all the police, the Commissioner, the Municipal Police, the Civil Protection, and all the voluntary associations.”
The Mayor of Palermo mentioned the great curiosity around this feast, as confirmed by the surge in visits, amounting to 134% more than shown in recent weeks by the website dedicated to this year’s edition. “I thank the journalists, even those who came from other parts of Italy and abroad.”
Finally, Roberto Lagalla thanked the cleaning companies that have already been at work since last night, in particular the areas of Cala and Foro Italico. He also thanked the creative companies that allowed the realization of this feast and its story, the Balich Wonder Studio, the Odd Agency, and AlbaMedia including all the artists, workers, and volunteers who have enabled this incredible success”.
– photo Comune Palermo –

Source: medNews

Malta with the steepest rise in the EU population in a decade

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Malta saw the steepest rise in population in the EU in a decade despite having the 27-country bloc’s lowest fertility rate. According to published Eurostat figures, between 2013 and 2023, Maltàs population increased by almost a third, and nearly all of that growth is due to migration. Maltàs population reached 563,000 by the end of 2023, after growing by nearly 21,000 in the space of a year.
Malta has the lowest fertility rate in the EU, with women, on average, giving birth once in their lifetime. While Maltàs birth rate is 1.08, France has a total fertility rate of 1.79 live births per woman. Between January 2013 and 2023, the EU’s population rose 7.5 million (or 1.7%); net inward migration was the driving factor behind this growth. The rate of population increase during this period was highest in Malta and Luxembourg, with their populations increasing overall by around a quarter (28.3% and 23%, respectively). Population numbers fell in 10 countries. The biggest decreases in percentage terms were in Bulgaria (down 11.5%) and Croatia (down 9.6%).
– Photo credit: Malta Tourism Office –

Source: medNews

Tunisia, potential presidential candidates arrested

TUNISI (TUNISIA) (MNA/ITALPRESS) – As the Presidential elections are approaching in Tunisia, the authorities are increasing their crackdown on potential candidates and critics of the Tunisian President Kais Saied.

The Presidential elections are scheduled to be held on 6 October, and they will be the first presidential elections since President Kais Saied’s self-coup in 2021. Amnesty International said that over the previous year, more than 20 political critics of Saied’s government had been arrested, detained, or convicted on charges related to their political activity.

Last Friday, Lotfi Mraihi, the Secretary General of Tunisia’s Republican People’s Union and a candidate for the country’s upcoming presidential elections is in prison, was arrested and is in prison for serious charges. Mraihi has been accused of money laundering and illegally moving money abroad. His arrest came after he announced his intention to run in the early October vote. When Mraihi ran for the 2019 election, he received around 6.5% of the vote.

The Tunisian authorities issued a warrant for the arrest of journalist and politician Safi Said, accused of forgery and fraud.

While potential candidates have been put in prison or live in exile, the Tunisian authorities are cracking down on critical voices in general. In May, Sonia Dahmani, a lawyer known for criticizing President Kais Saied, was arrested in a television studio as cameras were recording. In early July, she was sentenced to one year in prison for allegedly spreading false news.

Rached Ghannouchi, a fierce critic of Saied and leader of the relatively moderate Islamist opposition party Ennahda, has been behind bars since last year. He was convicted of incitement against the police and conspiracy against state security.

President Kais Saied suspended the parliament in 2021 and later dissolved it completely. According to the International Labour Organization, unemployment in Tunisia stands at 15% and around four of Tunisia’s twelve million citizens live below the poverty line.(ITALPRESS).

Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

Migrants rescued and arrested by the Libyan and Tunisian authorities

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (MNA/ITALPRESS) – The General Administration of Coastal Security in Libya rescued 71 illegal immigrants off eastern Tripoli coast. The administration said that it was able to rescue migrants after their boat stopped.

The immigrants were detained, legal measures were taken against them, and they were handed over to the illegal immigration agency in terms of jurisdiction.

Last week, the southern border of Libya witnessed the death of 50 illegal immigrants from various African countries, on a journey through the desert on the border between Niger and Libya, where humanitarian organizations found the bodies of the immigrants and were able to rescue 200 other immigrants.

Meanwhile, the Tunisian maritime guards rescued 47 undocumented immigrants from sinking boats off the country’s east-central coast. The Tunisian National Guard said the coast guard units on Thursday received a distress call about several boats being damaged at sea and water leaking on board, adding that those boats were carrying 47 Tunisian illegal immigrants, including a pregnant woman and an infant.

The rescued migrants were given necessary aid and then transported to nearby ports for further medical care, registration, and legal processing.

Thousands of illegal immigrants attempt to cross the Mediterranean every year through Libya and Tunisia as the main access to Europe through irregular channels. (ITALPRESS).

Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

Malta’s population increased by 3.9% in a year

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (MNA/ITALPRESS) – Malta’s National Statistics Office revealed significant demographic changes in Malta and Gozo, with the latest figures show that the estimated total population of the islands stood at 563,443 at the end of 2023, representing a 3.9% increase from the previous year. The primary driver of this population growth was migration, with a total of 20,960 persons contributing to the increase. Non-EU citizens accounted for 93.1% of the total migrants in 2023. Natural population growth also contributed, with an increase of 432 in 2023, up from 79 in 2022. This rise was due to more live births and fewer deaths. Live births increased by 3.6%, with 40.3% of parents aged 30 to 34. Resident deaths decreased by 4.7% to 4,030, with 69.4% of those deaths among individuals aged 75 and over. By the end of 2023, males made up 53% of the population. Those under 18 years of age accounted for 14.7%, and those aged 65 and over constituted 18.4%.(ITALPRESS).

Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma

Source: medNews

Saved migrants to disembark in Salerno, Libya accused with “life-threatening maneuvers”

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (MNA/ITALPRESS) – The French non-governmental organization Médecins Sans Frontières that provides humanitarian medical care saved two groups of migrants, and are on their way to disembark in Salerno as instructed by the Italian authorities.
However, the NGO accused the Libyan authorities with dangerous maneuvers during one of the rescue operations of the first group of migrants in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea. The NGO described it as “a clear threat to people’s safety” when a boat from the Libyan Stability Support Apparatus dangerously approached the area where the Médecins Sans Frontières teams were conducting a rescue. This triggered fear among the migrants who jumped into the sea. The NGO added that they were performing a rescue of an overcrowded unseaworthy rubber boat, and when one boat from the Stability Support Apparatus of Libya approached closely, it endangered the safety of 87 migrants. “Their threatening maneuvers caused panic, people jumped – a situation that could have ended deadly for many without the presence of civil sea rescue”. Meanwhile, a Médecins Sans Frontières team spotted 12 migrants in distress on a small fiberglass boat. Everyone was rescued and is safely onboard the vessel Geobarents. In total, the ship has 99 survivors on board and is navigating towards the port of Salerno, the place of safety assigned by the Italian authorities.(ITALPRESS).

Foto: Medici Senza Frontiere

Source: medNews

Made in Italy furniture on display in Padua, Haftar among African buyers

PADUA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The opening of the 4th World Architectour Africa at the Padua Fair is serving as a meeting hub for buyers, designers and architects from Algeria, Angola, Cameroun, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa and Tunisia.

Between today and tomorrow they have the opportunity to meet about 40 Italian companies of Arredo- Design excellency. 30% are coming from the region of Marche, 30% from Veneto and the rest from Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Abruzzo and Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The opening saw the participation of Ouafa Zahi, Consul General of Morocco in Verona, who recalled the good relations of friendship and cooperation with Italy.

In the inaugural greetings, Alessandra Pastorelli, the Head of the Directorate General Office for the Promotion of the Country System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, congratulated the Ministry for the organization of this event that facilitates partnership relations with African nations: “Design and architecture are leading factors of Italian exports to the African continent, which in 2023 reached the 19.9 billion euros on which the wood-furniture sector alone accounts to 53%. That is why we consider this event strategic.”

Franco Conzato, Special Representative of Venicepromex – Agency for the internationalisation of the Veneto Chamber of Commerce, said: “It is an event of the highest quality for those who want to experience commercial opportunities through direct contacts”.

The 4th edition of this special event, which includes 1,100 meetings between economic operators, for Nicola Rossi, President of the Padua Hall “is an indication of the great attention that this sector is given by Made in Italy to a continent that is expanding economically and demographically. For our part, we have selected companies of good reputation and able to meet the demands of a growing market.”

At the 4th World Architectour Africa (organisational secretary curated by Mèdinit) the presence of the Marche region is strong. The Marche region and Tecne (Special Company of the Marche Chamber of Commerce for the Mobile and Mechanical sectors) support the project, which also sees the presence of the Veneto region, sponsor of the initiative together with the Province, Municipality and Chamber of Commerce of Padua.

The participating companies offer furniture, lighting, furnishing accessories and interior finishes, while foreign buyers are mainly representing important architecture firms; including resellers with presence in different regions and multiple points of sale, and contractors who manage large and luxurious construction sites in Africa.

Andrea Andreani and Francesco Gurini of Scavolini SpA explained that for over 20 years the Pesaro Urbino company has been working with Nigeria, Kenya, Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Ghana and Mauritius offering medium-high range customers their modular furniture: “With 300 points of sale in the world, including the mentioned seven countries, we intend to increase the presence in a market that is maturing”.

Loredana Sandonà, General Manager of Gold Line Italia Srl of Vicenza (Castelfidardo-AN), is participating for the first time, but for 20 years she has been exporting silver or gold statues to Arab countries, thanks to a fair in Dubai, said: “For a year we have had Libyan customers, first of all General Haftar for whom we have made horses, swords and other ornaments based on the photos of the originals he sent us. Now we want to try to enter the African market.”

Barbara Frigo from Bisazza SpA (Vicenza) spoke about the first works 50 years ago in Còte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Benin, Nigeria and the Maghreb. “There were facades of hotels, villas and government buildings always made of mosaic. The exterior of the minaret of the Casablanca mosque had been followed directly by the founder Renato Bisazza, in collaboration with the king of Morocco. We work on the client’s design, but we also propose our own designs. Being jobs that often require 24 carat gold weaves even for exteriors, African clients are VIPs: a growing market. To a Senegalese client we coated a pool in gold mosaic and also worked for the residences of the Royal House of Morocco.”

Dino Perutta of H2O Style Srl (Verona): “We are now overlooking Africa proposing stainless steel hot tubs for 4-5 star hotels and luxurious villas. We will open a showroom from which positive responses will come.”

Giulia Modenese of Modenese Gastone Interiors, Srl (Padua), explained: “For us the African market for 10 years has been the new America, even if it is still early to evaluate the benefits of the new inter-African market, which will certainly come. Our interior decorations are a niche product that expresses itself with woodworking, objects, lighting, textiles, furniture, windows and tools. All pieces designed for African VIPs.”

– Foto Padua Fair press office –


Source: medNews

Ellafi “Italy is a key country for the Tripoli migration forum”

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Italy is considered a key country on multiple levels for Libya and in particular in view of the 17 July migration forum in Tripoli. This was stated in an interview with Italpress by the Minister of State for Communication and Political Affairs of the Government of National Unity of Libya based in Tripoli, Walid Ellafi.
“Italy’s geographical position, its influence on the migration issue and its relationship with Libya and the countries of the southern Mediterranean are all factors that make the Italian contribution a central issue. It does not limit itself to providing technical, logistical and technical support in the framework of security cooperation, but rather goes beyond what can be provided through partnership, economic and trade integration and the advancement of vital development projects”, Ellafi explained.
Next Wednesday’s forum will serve to “create a working group of participating countries and interested countries, to work and implement the forum’s vision of moving from unilateral approaches to security towards comprehensive approaches to development,” he added.
The working group will be “responsible for identifying economic areas vital for development in each country and determining financing tools and methods”, he concluded.
There will be 11 countries present at the forum, which will aim to find practical solutions to the immigration problem.
According to Ellafi, the initiative represents a strategic vision on the issue of immigration in collaboration with European and African countries. Italy, Malta, Niger, Chad, Spain, Greece, the Czech Republic, Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia and the Netherlands will participate in the forum, as well as the Arab League, the African Union and the European Union.
Interior Minister Trabelsi said that the migration crisis has been worsening in the country for 10 years and has reached its peak this year. The number of irregular migrants in Libya, according to Trabelsi, has reached 2.5 million, indicating that Libya has transformed from a transit country to a country of residence. The minister called on the armed forces of eastern Libya to cooperate to protect the southern border.
– source: Libyan Ministry of the Interior-

Source: medNews

Malta, launched Shore-to-Ship technology on cruise ships

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Shore-to-Ship technology allowing cruise liners to plug into Maltàs electric grid when docked has been officially launched in the Grand Harbour. The €33 million project, was co-financed by the EU.
The inauguration of the project followed an eight-month trial phase. Five cruise liners will be allowed to be powered through the grid simultaneously. Next to the cruise liner MSC World Europa, a cruise liner that is equipped with OPS technology, Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela said the project will mean 90% less pollution for the roughly 17,000 people who live around the Grand Harbour. However, that 90% reduction will only come into full effect in 2030, once an EU law requiring all cruise liners to plug into an on-shore power supply (OPS) comes into force. As of 2024, just one-third of the ships that call at the Valletta Cruise Port are equipped with OPS technology, allowing them to draw power from the grid and switch off their engines while docked. Various cruise liners are retrofitting the technology and will be OPS-ready by the end of this year.
Energy usage would be charged at unsubsidised commercial rates determined by the energy regulator. The Maltese Premier added, “technology like OPS allows the maritime industry to grow with fewer environmental consequences.” He said, “We either shrink the maritime economy or invest in projects that overcome the challenges”. He said the government is implementing a similar shore-to-ship project near the Freeport in Birzebbuga.
Meanwhile, Transport Minister Chris Bonett said Malta is the first Mediterranean port to have the technology available. The new system is expected to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Moored ships will also produce 40 per cent less greenhouse gases, Bonett said.
– Photo credit: Malta Department of Information –

Source: medNews

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