


Two Maltese are under investigation by the Prosecutor Office in Catania, Sicily for fuel smuggling from Libya. The investigations have led the authorities in Catania to issue nine arrest warrants. Six of the them have been arrested and an international arrest warrant has been issued for the other three. One of the arrested is Marco Porta, 48 years, the administrator for Maxcom Bunker Spa.
An arrest warrant was issued against Fahmi Mousa Saleem Ben Khalifa, known as “il Malem” (the leader). Originally he is from Zuwarah in Libya, and following Qaddafi’s overthrow, he escaped from prison in 2011 where he was jailed for 15 years for drug trafficking. According to the investigation, Ben Khalifa has led an armed militia close to the coastal area bordering Tunisia. Recently he was taken in custody by the Libyan authorities on accusations of fuel smuggling.

And then there is 45 year old Nicola Orazio Romeo, linked to the Mafia clan of Ercolano. According to a conversation among the suspects he is described as “the untouchable”. He is considered as an integral part of the Maltese component of the organisation, whose primary function was the organisation of fuel transport from Libya by sea. Romeo has already been indicted in 2008 for his mafia connections with the Santapaola clan and for other organised illegal activities in the Acireale and Aci Catena area in order to get money by using force and threats.

The Prosecution claims that together with Nicola Orazio Romeo, the two Maltese citizens – Darren and Gordon Debono – were involved in the illicit business of fuel smuggling from Libya by using a network of commercial companies. Darren Debono is a retired football player and in Malta is considered as one of the most experienced in the game. He represented Malta with the National team and won all major football trophies with Sliema Wanderers and Valletta FC. Debono was twice given suspended jail sentences by the Law Courts in Malta; once for stealing a refrigerated trailer for storing fish and in the second case for defrauding the Government of Malta by not declaring the right amount of fish landings with the Customs Department.

In February 2016, the prominent investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia who was killed by a powerful car bomb, reported on her blog that she received threats via email from a family member close to Darren Debono (  The role played by another Libyan national had a determined factor. Tareq Dardar from Zuwara is considered as the prime suspect of collecting payments in foreign accounts held for Ben Khalifa. In the investigation, it also emerged that the administrator of Maxcom Bunker spa, a company with legal head office in Rome, would trade petroleum products and bunkering activities with the involvement of three employees who are under house arrest. They are Rosanna La Duca, a 48 year old consultant for Maxcom Bunker spa, Stefano Cevasco, a 48 year old businessman and Antonio Baffo, 61, responsbile for tax filing in Augusta.

Source: medNews


The explosive device placed in the car that killed prominent investigative Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was created with the use of military explosive. Sources close to the Maltese Police Force said that the explosive used in the crime last Monday was kind of Semtex.

Maltese investigators with the assistance of Dutch Forensic Experts and FBI agents are investigating the origins of the explosive device and who was behind the assassination of Caruana Galizia.

Semtex is a general purpose plastic explosive and it is used in commercial blasting, demolition and in certain military applications. Semtex was developed and manufactured in Czechoslovakia during the sixties and eventually became popular with terrorists’ attacks because it was, until recently, extremely difficult to detect, as in the case of Pan Am Flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.

The explosive was widely exported, notably to the government of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. However, the main consumer was Libya with about 700 tons of Semtex exported to the Qaddafi’s regime between 1975 and 1981. It has also been used by Islamic militants in the Middle East and by the Irish Republican Army and the Irish National Liberation Army in Northern Ireland.


Source: medNews


Malta is under great shock and sadness at the brutal murder of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. She was killed in the afternoon of 16 October in a car blast just 200 meters away from her residence in Bidnija, limits of Mosta.

Daphne Caruana Galizia, 53, had received life threats in recent weeks. The explosion took place while she was driving a rented car, a Peugeot 108. The car ended up in flames and parts of it were found in a nearby field across the road.

The prominent blogger was renowned for her investigative journalism alleging corruption within the Labour Government. Recently, she turned her criticism against officials of the centre-right Nationalist Party, including the newly elected leader Adrian Delia.

Addressing the media from his office in Valletta, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat condemned the killing, and described this attack as a “barbaric act”. 

“What happened today is unacceptable. Today is a black day for democracy and freedom of speech in Malta,” Muscat said. 

In the televised message, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat reaffirmed: “I will not rest until I see justice done in this case. Our country deserves justice.”

Addressing the Maltese Parliament later on in the evening, Prime Minister Muscat announced that he asked the Government of the United States to assist into the investigation of the brutal death of journalist Caruana Galizia. 

FBI agents are on their way to Malta to support the Maltese Secret Service in their investigations into this fatal car bomb in which the prominent Maltese journalist was burned to death by the powerful car bomb.


Source: medNews


The Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry has launched a project for a new Israeli startup accelerator in Beijing together with the Chinese group ShengJing, one of the world’s largest private equity funds. The Ministry of Economy and Industry will finance the project. The five Israeli companies scheduled for the first round will receive training for six months and will participate in a roadshow to support them in fundraising in China. The incubator is intended as a general criterion for all sectors with technology capable of being successful in the Chinese market. ShengJing has already invested $ 100 million in Israel through venture capital funds Viola Group, vintage investments, Jerusalem Venture partners (JVP) and Canaan partners. ShengJing also invested directly in a number of Israeli start-ups.


Source: medNews


The Maltese national airline, Air Malta, added a third destination to Sicily and will now be operating to the airport of Comiso in Ragusa. The service will be offered every Friday and Sunday commencing from the 17th of December.

The Go Light Air Malta fares will apply on this route meaning that passengers can travel to Ragusa at € 39 per direction, taxes and fees included.

Apart from 14 flights per week to Catania, last summer, Air Malta started operating again to Palermo.

A trip to Ragusa also gives the opportunity to visit other picturesque towns nearby, such as Modica and Scicli, both Unesco World Heritage. In addition to the spectacular views, these towns are renowned for traditional foods and wines.

The Maltese Minister of Tourism Konrad Mizzi described this initiative as a confirmation of the growth strategy for Air Malta. “This development will actively strengthen Air Malta’s operations in Sicily by accommodating visiting tourists and business travellers that can connect to other destinations.”

Paul Seis, Chief Commercial Officer for Air Malta, added, “This is excellent news for both Malta and Sicily. This is the first time that Air Malta will be operating to this airport strengthening the airline’s position in the Sicilian market with at least 18 flights per week commencing in winter. The addition will surely improve the connectivity between the two islands, as now the southern province of Ragusa will be covered. Furthermore this is evidence of the commitment towards Malta and Sicily and will strengthen Air Malta’s position by entering into new markets in line with the current strategy of aiming to become the airline of the Mediterranean Islands”.


Source: medNews


Solid cooperation particularly in the fields of economy, energy, culture and education are expected to be a priority for the new Ambassador of Italy to Malta.

During a ceremony held at the Presidential Palace in Valletta, Mario Sammartino appointed to this post by the Italian Government presented his credentials to the President of Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

In recent years, Malta has welcomed a large number of Italians who chose to work in Malta due to the economic crisis in Italy.

Mario Sammartino stated that he would strengthen the cultural and academic ties with Malta.

Born in Naples on 29th January 1956, Mario Sammartino holds a University Degree in Law obtained from the University of Milan on 29th April 1983.

Following the State Examination, he was named Volontario in the Italian Diplomatic Corps on the 1st February 1985. His first assignment was at the Development Aid Department, Office VI, and he was named Segretario di Legazione on 1st January 1986.

On 24th June 1987, he started serving at the Italian Embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka. On 2nd January 1991, he was named Consul in Dortmund, Germany, and on 17th January 1994, he was named Consul in Mar del Plata, Argentina.

On 2nd July 2000, Mario Sammartino was named Consigliere di Ambasciata, and from 10th November 2000, he served as First Counsellor at the Italian Embassy in Rabat, Morocco.

From 12th May 2004, he served as Charge d’Affaires with Letters of Accreditation at the Italian Embassy in Libreville, Gabon, and was confirmed as Ambassador from 25th February 2005.

From 28th August 2007, he served at the Directorate General for Sub-Saharan Africa, Head of Office I.

On 2nd January 2008, he was named Ministro Plenipotenziario, and from 3rd March 2008, he served as Head of Office II of the Directorate General for Sub-Saharan Africa.

From 15th September 2008, Ambassador Sammartino started serving in the Directorate General for Development Aid as Deputy Director General and Central Director for the programming and realization of development aid interventions.

From 1st August 2012, Mario Sammartino served as the Ambassador of Italy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ambassador Sammartino is married to Ms Federica Modena, and has one daughter.


Source: medNews


Donation of computer systems for the orphanage school “Al Mabarrat Alishraq” by the Italian contingent employed in the Land of Cedars is what happened this week in the district of Bint Jubail in the South of Lebanon.

In the presence of local civil and religious authorities, the General of Brigade Francesco Olla, Commander of the Joint Task Force – Lebanon, inaugurated the new computer room of the school, now equipped with 35 personal modern computers. The school is attended by about 870 students aged three to thirteen, of whom 200 are permanently hosted as orphaned or adopted at a distance.

Finalized to consolidate relations between the Italian peacekeepers and the people of South Lebanon, the donation was promoted by CIMIC staff (Civil and Military Cooperation) that has always worked in favor of local authorities and of Non-governmental Associations, as dictated by Resolution No. 1701 – 2006 of the United Nations Security Council.

The current Italian operation “Leonte XXII” is based on Brigade “Grenadiers of Sardinia” and the units on the field are ITALBATT, unit of maneuver on base Regiment “Lancieri di Montebello” (8th); the Combat Support Battalion (CS Bn), a command-line Command of the Brigade “Granatieri di sardegna”; the Combat Service and Support Battalion, based on Logistic Regiment “Aosta”.


Source: medNews


The Slovenian Government Office for European Development and Cohesion Policy, the Slovenian Managing Authority of the European Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved financial support for two new projects in the context of energy renewal of public buildings .

The project “Renewal Energy of Three Buildings of Trbovlje General Hospital” foresees the renovation of the hospital, the administrative building and the pediatric building. The total amount of public funds allocated for the implementation of the project amounts to 2.4 million euro (the Cohesion Fund will contribute with 523.000 euro, 85% of the total).

For the second project “Energy Renewal of the Ajdovš?ina and Lendava Administrative Units”, € 814,000 have been allocated (the Cohesion Fund contribution amounts to € 213,000, 85% of the total). The purpose of the projects is to reduce primary energy consumption, operating costs, and specific purchase costs for energy products, simplify operations and maintenance of buildings, and help reduce environmental pollution.


Source: medNews


The international conference ‘Our Ocean’ has concluded in Malta with an outstanding commitment by the European Commission together with public and private entities to invest six billion euros to reduce marine pollution, increase protected marine areas and enhance safety at sea. Moreover promote an economy in favour of sustainable use of marine resources and fishing in concordance with increased efforts to address climate change compliant with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development goals according to the 2030 Agenda.

The creation of Marine Protected Areas spread over 2.5 million square kilometres equivalent to more than half of the EU territory size was announced during the conference.

A total of 400 commitments were established, 36 of them to be implemented by the EU. Governments of other countries have pledged to take up another 200 obligations, whilst private companies, voluntary organisations and research institutes have agreed on another hundred other responsibilities.

Airbus, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Marks and Spencer, Carrefour, Royal Caribbean Cruises, AXA and Sky were amongst the large companies that participated.

Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission stated during his closing keynote address that the European Commission is giving evidence of its determinate commitment towards sustainability, security and prosperity of the seas. “If they are at risk, so are we, for the oceans nourish our planet and our people, and they connect us to our partners around the world”.

Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries concluded the conference. As he addressed the audience he recalled how three years ago he was asked by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to draft a strategy outlining the role of the European Union with regards global ocean. “I think together we have delivered. Our policies on land, like our commitment to the circular economy and reduced plastic waste; and at sea, on marine pollution, on protected areas, and on harnessing the ocean’s clean energy, clearly demonstrate this. The European Union is earning respect and inspiring action across the planet”.

The European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica stated that the outcome of the two-day international conference ensures a legal framework, security and sustainability for all fisherman operating around the world.

He added that large food companies are more secure in their operation, while coastal areas are more protected as together all are acting to address the climate change challenge. Commissioner Mimica stated that whilst the road is long, significant progress has been made.

The implementations of the commitments made during the conference held in Malta will be examined in the next ‘Our Ocean’ conference that will take place in Indonesia in 2018.


Source: medNews


€ 560 million invested by the European Commission in favour of the initiative ‘Our Ocean’

Malta has convened the Fourth Conference with the theme ‘Our Ocean’ addressing the impact of pollution of the sea around the world, the protection of marine zones, sustainability of fishery and climate change. It is estimated that about eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the sea every year caused by human beings. International politicians, representatives of various industries and international environmental organizations, are attending the conference.

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security and Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini announced that the European Commission is allocating € 560 million translated into 36 concrete actions to the initiative Our Ocean. These actions range from global cooperation with European Union partners to minor initiatives in everyday life.

“I give you one small, but very concrete example: our embassies, our European Union delegations around the world have cleaned up 27 beaches in the course of this year. It is a small thing that makes a difference. We need a global alliance and we need everyone’s daily commitment. It is a collective responsibility that we all share”, declared Mogherini.

She emphasised that maritime security is a priority for the European Union. Investment in the most advanced technological systems such as the Galileo and Copernicus satellites have been executed to ensure global security, monitor pollution, track illegal fishing and find unidentified marine objects.

The European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella said that in the last three years a significant effort has been made by the European Union to draw up the United Nations target for sustainable development, where 14 of these goals are directly related to life at sea.

“When deciding on which business to invest in, what packaging to use, what car to drive or what fish to eat, we can all act for the ocean. And I can promise you that the European Union will continue to act for the ocean. That is why we are bringing more than 30 new commitments to this conference covering all the six areas of action of this conference,” said Commissioner Vella.

Commissioner Vella announced that the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean is adopting a proposal by the European Union to establish a marine protected area in the Adriatic.

The six areas of action are climate change, sustainable fishing, marine pollution, maritime security, sustainable economy and marine protected areas.

Prince Charles who addressed the opening of the conference strongly appealed to all consumers around the world to adopt the commitment and effort made by some of the major international companies to stop using plastic products that have a devastating effect on the marine life. He also urged business owners to come up with innovative solutions to manage waste and encouraged consumers to recycle products such as plastic bottles.

He mentioned how the fish are increasingly swallowing discarded material. Prince Charles referred to the research conducted by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation that states that unless immediate action is taken, by 2050, there would be more plastic in weight than fish. He added that this is a serious wake-up call for all countries, emphasising that dire need for an economy where used plastic is collected, recycled and reused, rather than disposed of.

Over 40 international ministers and international leaders from over one hundred countries are participating in the meeting. It is expected that at the closing of the conference more promises to protect the sea from further pollution and other effects are made.


Source: medNews

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