

Because of increase of foreign tourists in part and for the increase in the number of days of overnight stays in the hotel in part, the Gozitan tourism, in Malta, increased in 2015. More than one million overnight stays, 14 percent more than in 2014, of 166,106 tourists who visited the island (13,161 more than last year).

The data were presented by the Association of Tourism in Gozo, and were greeted with satisfaction also because of the months affected the increase. Indeed, no treaty only summer tourism: visitors relevant movements were also recorded in the periods from April to June and October to December.

One of the most spectacular and well-known abroad Gozo events remains the Nadur carnival, macabre experience with hooded revelers who make outlandish acts in the streets and carry around dead animals in a cage. The celebrations represent a cathartic release for the locals who endures the hardships of rural life, with the ultimate goal to shock the viewer. 


Source: medNews


The Swiss institute KOF (business cycle research) released the index of globalization, which measures the degree of globalization of world markets, as assessed in its economic, social and political. The survey (available at the web page analyzes 207 countries based on specific parameters, which quantify the international opening. Regarding the economic aspects, it evaluates the trade exchange with foreign countries and impact of international investment on GDP, than the existence of any trade barriers and restrictions to global financial flows. The social aspect of globalization is measured, among others, according to the tourist flow, the size of the resident foreign communities, telephone and postal traffic. The circulation of international information is evaluated in terms of access to the Internet, television broadcasting, the foreign press, as well as imports and exports of books. The political dimension of globalization of a country is assessed based on the number of accredited foreign embassies, international organizations to which the country is a member, and bilateral and multilateral agreements. Based on these parameters, the Netherlands is in the lead in the globalization ranking, followed by Ireland, Belgium, Australia and Switzerland. Another <top ten> of globalization are : Singapore, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary and Canada. Morocco, which ranks 57th in the world, holds the record in Africa, followed by Mauritius (58 place), South Africa (61), Egypt (66), Tunisia (81), Seychelles (82), Namibia (98), Senegal (99) and Nigeria (103).


Source: medNews


Tunisia joined the Enterprise Europe Network through the creation of a consortium EEN Tunisia, composed of five Tunisian authorities: the Conect, employers’ trade organization, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis, the Cepex public institution in support the private sector, the Elgazala technology hub, under the Agency’s supervision of industry and Innovation Promotion (API). EEN Tunisia constitutes the fulfillment of a strategic partnership between the five members of the consortium to offer businesses Tunisian privileged access to a multitude of European value-added services and integrated services for enterprises and innovation. To strengthen their competitiveness and to address new markets and development models Tunisian companies have no choice but to move towards innovative projects consolidating their relationships with their national and international partners and position of new markets. The Enterprise Europe Network was created in 2008 and it is the first official network of the European Commission which aims to offer to SMEs a range of integrated services and support based on innovation, relying on proximity organizations to be closer to the needs of companies operating in the area. This is the most extensive European network dedicated to innovation and internationalization for companies, with more than 600 partners spread in more than 54 countries inside and outside the European Union. Since its creation EEN helped 11,500 enterprises in the signing of trade partnerships, exchanges of technology and research, accompanied 137,000 of them in fairs and international fairs, responded to 770,000 requests on European legislation, it has attracted more than 1.35 million of people to its events.


Source: medNews


The Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo launches a strategic partnership with “The Floor”, the Fintech new startup incubator in Israel in Tel Aviv, among the most important in the global innovation.

Objective of “The Floor” is to become a true “hub”, a reference point for the market where, to make selection and start-up mentoring by bank partners, but also there will be an R & D center, training programs for the sector, co-working spaces and meeting to encourage dialogue with financial and technology partners.

The birth of “The Floor” relies on the fundamental contribution of the Chinese Fund Pando Group and sees four foreign banks as strategic partners: Intesa Sanpaolo, Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC and Santander.

Together with the banks are also present two technological partners: INTEL and Thomson Reuters.

The areas covered by the start-ups that will be incubated intercept the crucial issues that are now the focus of attention for the financial sector are : blockchain; Big Data; electronic payments, trading, development of mobile and sensitive subject of anti-fraud systems.

The partnership with The Floor will allow Intesa Sanpaolo to make it exclusive scouting Israeli FinTech reality and to carry out mentoring activities on companies considered of interest.

“We are proud to be today one of the founders of The Floor, a project that has all the ingredients to become an excellent platform on the international scene FinTech. Intesa Sanpaolo has always considered this particular innovation is a fundamental tool segment for the evolution of the banking sector. Becoming part of The Floor is a further step in the consolidation and growth of our international network of innovation in the ecosystem”, Maurizio Montagnese – Chief Innovation Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo said.


Source: medNews


In 2013 the pension expenditure in Malta was lower than the EU average, or below 9.6% of GDP, but by 2060 it is expected to increase up to 12.8%, one of the highest figures in Europe. With this background, the European Commission expressed itself favorably to sustainable long-term retirement plan, drawn up by the Maltese government with the first measures proposed in the budget plan in 2016.

Already last year, the EU Commission  invited Malta to continue its reform of pensions in the course, with an increase in the retirement age and by linking it to changes in life expectancy, for greater long-term sustainability of the system.

Among the measures taken by the government is extending the number of years of contribution – 40 to 41 – are necessary to get the full pension. Furthermore, the reform provides for two measures: the increase of the minimum national pension up to 60% of median income (by 2020), and social security coverage for women who don’t accumulate sufficient contributions due to career breaks for pregnancy.


Source: medNews


The construction of the red light railway line from Tel Aviv began only a few months ago and the government already thinks about the future of the next two lines, one green and one purple, imagining right now a private procedure to entrust building a private company.

According to sources of the economic newspaper Globes (see link at the bottom), the Executive doesn’t want that the story of the Red Line will be repeated again. In 2006, in fact, a private race was launched and was won by MTS, a consortium of companies Africa Israel, Siemens, Egged, Chinese and Portuguese Companies. MTS, however, was unable to ensure the fulfillment of the work according to the prices and times in the public-private tender BOT (Build Operate Transfer) which to date have soared to 2021 and to 16 billion from 11 initially budgeted and furthermore, it wasn’t able to be managed by 2010 to recover the share of necessary private funds. These were the reasons to withdraw the concession and leave the implementation work to NTA – a public company.

The construction of the two new lines should be allocated fairly according to the scheme PFI (Private Finance Initiative) where the economic contribution of the state is minimal and indeed, the latter retains a right of choice of the contractor even after the closure of the commissioning period when the work is tested and it’s ensured the compliance thereof with the provisions of the contract documents.


Source: medNews


According to preliminary data published by the Central Bank of Montenegro, in the period from January to November 2015, Montenegro has achieved an influx of foreign direct investments amounted to 670.8 million euro and an outflow of 97.4 million euro.

Net FDI, or the difference between influx and outflow of investments, amounted to 573.4 million euro, an increase of 79.7% over the same period last year.

FDI inflows in the form of capital investments (real estate or equity participation), amounted to 446 million euro, 66.5% overall inflow. Investments in the form of inter-corporate debt amounted to 218.5 million euro (32.6% total inflow).


Source: medNews


According to the Algerian Customs the amount of imported vehicles has decreased to 141.16 million dollars in January 2016 compared to 377.88 dollars in the same period of 2015; it’s a decline of 62.64%. The center

The Algerian National Statistics (CNIS) indicated that quantities of imported vehicles has been 9,309 units in January in 2016 compared to 27,497 units in the same period of 2015; it’s a decline of 66.15%.


Source: medNews


The FAO in collaboration with the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in 2016 will create a unified register of farmers. The aim of this initiative is to provide the Ministry with technical support to create a database of Lebanese farmers – that is now available – in order to establish the criteria for classification of farmers and to better understand their needs. The FAO has indeed studied the industry in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and identified a number of structural weaknesses that must be overcome.

The classification of farmers will help to give them identity and will help the Ministry to know what kind of crops are practiced, how much land each farmer has available and also if they are owners or workers for others.

At a later stage, the FAO will conduct a feasibility study to see if it is economically and socially sustainable extend to farmers labor regulations and the NSSF (National Health System), and to quantify the funds to be allocated by the Government for this purpose. The FAO will also study the feasibility of setting up funds that can be recorded to the MoA, in place of NSSF.


Source: medNews


Do you want to know the secrets of diseases transmitted by ticks, or learning about toxoplasmosis? What can happen inside the human body when it contracts the Anisakis, after eating raw fish or poorly preserved? Institute Zoo- prophylactic “A. Mirri” in Palermo was born the first Biobank of the Mediterranean, a huge reservoir (warehouse) of tissue samples, bacteria, viral, parasitic and serums and pathological anatomical findings of sanitary interest, useful for biomedical research. In the laboratories of the Institute, which works for over 80 years, has collected a vast archive of biological material, properly stored to ensure their conservation over time. “Over the years, biobanks have become an important resource for biomedical research, since the availability of samples has allowed the development of scientific studies in relevant fields of medicine”, explains Annalisa Guercio-director of the virologic diagnostics. “Within our organization we have already presented biological resource centers or laboratories can provide, maintain and store precious material, but now there was created a centralized unit for the safe storage of biological materials”. To explain the history of the Biobank of the Mediterranean are the special commissioner, Salvatore Seminara and the medical director, Santo Caracappa: “The project is one of the institution’s objectives”.

The Institute Zoo- prophylactic of Sicily joined the first veterinary networks internationally recognized OIE, World Organisation for Animal Health. The researchers from all over the world, through the network software ( may with a single “click” the samples retained for the study of the major diseases of animals and those that can be transmitted to humans. Examples of available biological resources are the building materials of tick-borne diseases (Rickettsioses, anaplasmosis), international reference strains and standards for Leishmaniasis animals and even the Anisakis and Toxoplasma. The biobank of the Mediterranean is an indispensable tool, a resource made available to those working in the field of research and preventive medicine, there is consider that the animal reservoir is the main source of pathogens in the emergence of infectious diseases and the diffusive food safety.


Source: medNews

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