

The exchange of Montenegro with the rest of the world in February 2016 amounted to 253.6 million euro, a decrease of -1.2% compared to the same month of last year. Exports amounted to 38.6 million euro (-21.6%), while imports instead amounted to 215 million euro (+ 3.6%).

In the export structure the most represented products are ferrous metals (8.9 million euro), the steel and iron (3.5 million euro). For imports the most represented products are machinery and transport equipment that have reached a value of 48.2 million euro.

Serbia is the first customer in the country with 10.7 million euro. Hungary follows with 5.8 million euro and Germany with 2.8 million euro.

As for imports Montenegrin, Serbia continues to be the premier supplier of Montenegro, with imports amounted to 48.5 million. Followed by China with 22.7 million euro and Germany 18 million euro. Italy appears to be in fifth place in the Montenegrin exports for a turnover of 2.3 million euro and the fourth biggest source of imports with 16.2 million euro.


Source: medNews


The International Labour Organization (ILO) has allocated 14 million dollars to boost employment in Tunisia. This was announced by Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General speaking at a press conference at the end of the first phase of the national dialogue on employment. Speaking on the occasion of the works of the national dialogue Ryder said that this forum “can open new prospects for increasing employment in Tunisia”. Ryder then explained that a successful campaign in favor of employment should not be limited to reducing unemployment in general but also must strive to eliminate the various forms of precarious employment, informal and rural. In January, due to the delicate economic situation of the country there were violent clashes between young demonstrators asking for a job and security forces in Kasserine, one of the poorest areas of the country.


Source: medNews


The Lebanese film industry had a significant growth over the past four years, as evidenced by the number of films produced annually in Lebanon, which has reached 31 films in 2015, and that the aggregate investment, which was about US$ 32.4 million. The result of 2015 is therefore particularly relevant, especially when compared with data from previous years, when there was recorded an annual average of 11 films produced, for US $ 8.8 million annual investment.

The improvement is due to the competitive advantages of the Lebanese film industry, which reside mainly in the qualified labor supply at low cost and in the variety of scenarios and other resources available.

In addition, the IDAL – the Investment Development Authority of Lebanon helps the film production company and the new directors, providing business matchmaking services, financial incentives in the form of tax exemptions and deduction of expenses and supporting participation in international festivals cinema. A structured incentive program should make the Lebanese production more competitive.


Source: medNews


An Italian investor founded in Muc, near Spalato the company Canicula d.o.o. with a new plant for the production of anchovies with an investment worth 32 million kunas (about 4,26 million euros) where 130 employees will be employed. The plant covers an area of 2,000 m2 with the aim of processing 50 tons of fish per day, with an annual revenue share expected 35 million kuna (about 4.66 million euro). Total investment (32 million kunas) 10 million kuna (about 1.31 million euro) were allocated to the fund of IPARD for agriculture payments and rural development, while 22 million kunas (2.93 million euro) were allocated by the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


Source: medNews


Good performance of non-food Tunisian products exports, which grew by 8.6% in the first two months of the year, compared to the same period of 2015. This positive result is mainly due to improvement of chemical products exports, with + 50%. This was reported in a statement the Ministry of Industry of Tunis. In physiological decline, after a record season, however, exports of olive oil recorded a -60%. The Tunisian manufacturing exports increased by 0.27% in the first two months of the year compared to the same period of 2015, from less than 1.8 million euro, just over 1.8 million euro. Exports of mechanical and electrical industries rose by 5.7%, while those of leather and footwear increased by 4.8%, + 4.1% exports of building materials, ceramics and glass. Analyzing in particular the individual goods, the super triphosphate exports increased by 197%, those of 24% electrical cables, those of pharmaceutical products by 25%, in 8.1% of plastic products. Declining exports of textiles and clothing, -0.7%. 


Source: medNews


The Lebanese company Rymco signed a contract with the Russian company AutoVAZ for the exclusive distribution in Lebanon of the cars of Lada brand. And it is foreseen the opening of an exclusive showroom in Jal el Dib area, near Beirut.

The Rymco, Rasamny Younis Motor Company, owned by Rasamny brothers, is a leader in imports of new cars in Lebanon and holds 11.5% of the local market. The company already represents: the Nissan brand, Infiniti, GMC, Lotus, Kawasaki, Peugeot Scooters, Nissan Diesel, Renault Trucks and UD Trucks. However, it is focused on the excellent report quality/price ratio of the new brand to affirm it on the market.

The AutoVAZ is controlled by the Renault-Nissan group through its subsidiary Rostec.


Source: medNews


Turkey plans the purchase of 80 high-speed trains for the middle of this year. This was stated by Minister of Transport, Binali Yildirim, during the inauguration of an exhibition on logistics, infrastructure and transport in Istanbul on 3 March, the value of investments will be around 5-6 billion dollars.

The ministry is planning to buy 106 trains in total, according to the plan which aims to expand the national network rail transport high-speed. Sources from the Ministry of Transport argue that with this invitation to tender is intended to exploit the 51% of local resources. The opening of an establishment of production of cars has been mentioned as an integral part of the project envisaged by notice. The investment would be around 6 billion Turkish Liras. Yildirim also said that is being finalized a plan that will make possible for the private sector, the transport of goods on rail. “This year we could see the private companies make their entry in the field”, he said. Recently, Yildirim said that the government plans to connect 14 cities, over 55% of the population, by 2023, through the high-speed rail network.


Source: medNews


From 15th March the Albanian farms with VAT may apply to take advantage of government subsidies for agriculture. About 14 million euro will be provided as support for farmers, agro-industry and investment in agricultural infrastructure. Winners will be announced in April and it is expected that the fund will support more than 13 thousand farmers. Besides subsidies, the plans of the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture plan to launch a credit guarantee system for farmers, which will be co-financed by EBRD for a total of 300 million euro in next three years.


Source: medNews


From 6 to 29 May returns the Med Photo Fest, the international event dedicated to art photography and will be held in Catania, Modica (RG), Noto (SR) and Taormina (ME).

The eighth edition, dedicated to the theme “Light / Light / Licht / Lumière / Luz”, is organized by the cultural association Mediterraneum in collaboration with the photographic group Luce Iblea Group of Scicli and the Foundation Giovan Pietro Grimaldi in Modica, and with patronage of the Ministry of Heritage and cultural Activities and Tourism and the Department of Sport Tourism and Recreation of the Sicilian Region.

There are a lot of news and important names in the billboard 2016. Beginning with the Ligurian photographer Lisetta Carmi, who will be awarded Mediterraneum award: the Prize for Photography in 2016. The prize will be award by the artistic direction chaired by Vittorio Graziano Mediterraneum, on the occasion of the opening of the festival day. This is an important recognition of the career that, in past years, was awarded to Ferdinando Scianna (2009), Gianni Berengo Gardin (2010), Franco Fontana (2011), Giuseppe Leone (2012), Nino Migliori (2013), Piergiorgio Branzi (2014) and Mario Cresci (2015).

In the program there are included exhibitions of Lisetta Carmi, Raul Amaru Linares (Colombia), Aurora Bruno, Alessandro Ciccarelli, Giulia Fraticelli, Chulsu Kim (Korea), Andreas Kruppi (Sweden), Giulio Magnifico, Kosuke Okahara (Japan), Colette Saint Yves ( France), Joseph Tangorra and Irena Willard (France).

In the program there are also included cultural and technical seminars, areas for photographic publishing (with Ferdinando Scianna), technical workshops, workshops photographic travel between the Baroque architecture and the beauty of the Valley of Noto and Taormina (with Ulderico Tramacere, Adelaide Di Nunzio, Massimo Gurciullo and Vittorio Graziano), readings of the portfolio (the portfolio Mediterraneum Prize 2016 to the best author), emerging young photographers exhibitions, historical photo exhibitions, but also theatrical and musical events.


Source: medNews


The new container terminal in Tripoli, managed by the Emirati society “Gulftainer”, that operates for more than six months, has finally begun its activity. Its commissioning has been delayed several times, due to an insufficient number of staff to ensure clearance.

This activity begins with a first contract by “Cedars Premium Food & Beverage”, local company situated in North of the country, producer of fruit juices, which plans to export 2000 containers to Iraq in the next eight months.

Followed by a second contract signed by Khawla group, local group, for the importation of 12 granite containers per week, over the next 10 months, out of Egypt. Other contracts are nearing completion.

The new container terminal is operational for almost six months, but its commissioning was delayed several times, partly due to a number.


Source: medNews

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