The exchange of Montenegro with the rest of the world in February 2016 amounted to 253.6 million euro, a decrease of -1.2% compared to the same month of last year. Exports amounted to 38.6 million euro (-21.6%), while imports instead amounted to 215 million euro (+ 3.6%).
In the export structure the most represented products are ferrous metals (8.9 million euro), the steel and iron (3.5 million euro). For imports the most represented products are machinery and transport equipment that have reached a value of 48.2 million euro.
Serbia is the first customer in the country with 10.7 million euro. Hungary follows with 5.8 million euro and Germany with 2.8 million euro.
As for imports Montenegrin, Serbia continues to be the premier supplier of Montenegro, with imports amounted to 48.5 million. Followed by China with 22.7 million euro and Germany 18 million euro. Italy appears to be in fifth place in the Montenegrin exports for a turnover of 2.3 million euro and the fourth biggest source of imports with 16.2 million euro.
Source: medNews