With the “smart agriculture” project Leonardo and Bf in the Mattei Plan

ROME (ITALY) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The “smart agriculture” project enters the Mattei Plan for Africa with the signing of an agreement that strengthens the existing collaboration between Leonardo and BF Spa for agricultural and technological development in particular in the African continent.
It was signed by Fabrizio Saggio, coordinator of the Mission Structure for the implementation of the Mattei Plan of the Presidency of the Council, together with the president of Leonardo, Stefano Pontecorvo, and the CEO of BF Spa, Federico Vecchioni. In Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Kenya and, in perspective, with the additional countries identified by the Government for 2025, projects will be launched for the protection of biodiversity and sustainable development, for which financing opportunities will be identified within the Mattei Plan, whose implementation will take place with the full involvement of local entities. The planning and implementation of agro-industrial development projects and related training programs will always be shared at every stage with the countries involved. Furthermore, it will take into account the priority of contributing to the growth path of African partners by offering them technical and management skills through specific training activities.
The president of Leonardo, Stefano Pontecorvo, underlined: “Leonardo with its digital and satellite technologies to monitor crops, soils, water resources from space and to improve land yields can help respond to the security needs of changed environmental scenarios, characterized by climate change, soil erosion and inefficient resource management. Through the company’s skills in the field of cyber security, those of Telespazio and e-Geos, developed in the geo-information sector, combined with advanced technological solutions, such as the application of AI, the collection and analysis of big data and the cloud – he added – the company is able to deliver enabling factors to manage crucial aspects related to smart agriculture and climate transition”.
These skills will be integrated with the agricultural and agribusiness activities of the projects underlying the internationalization of BF Spa, a path managed through the subsidiary BF International Best Fields Best Food Ltd.
“The goal of BF Spa – observed Federico Vecchioni, CEO of BF Spa – is to replicate at a global level, the agro-industrial infrastructure, with the control of the genome – food product supply chain, developed by BF Spa in Italy on over 11 thousand hectares of SAU through the development of modern model farms, BFuture farms. An innovative, sustainable and inclusive agro-industrial farm model that adapts to the needs of each country and community and will represent the largest high-tech agricultural management network ever created in the world”.
BF Educational will be the BF Spa company that, within the model farms, will be responsible for creating training and research paths applied to agriculture and agribusiness with the aim of training the professionals of the future of the reference communities.
-Photo: Leonardòs press office-
Source: medNews