Gaza war, Malta coordinating resolutions with the UN Security Council

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Malta is taking an active diplomatic role in the context of the Gaza war by coordinating resolutions within the ambit of the United Nations Security Council. This was stated by the Maltese Foreign Minister Ian Borg in Parliament, adding Malta is using its seat at the UN Security Council to try to come to a decision on a resolution.
Minister Borg declared “Malta cannot turn a blind eye when international treaties are blatantly being breached.” He said Malta expects everyone to respect the territorial sovereignty. He added that while the Maltese government condemned the Hamas aggression against Israel, it warned that the Israeli response should be in line with international law.
More than 11,000 people were killed in Gaza after a surprise attack in Israel on October 7 when Hamas terrorists killed 1,400 people.
Malta favours a two-state solution in conformity with the UN Security Council, with Jerusalem being the capital of two nations who can live side by side.

– foto: Agenzia Fotogramma –


Source: medNews