Maltese Parliament condemns attacks on Israel

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Maltàs Parlament’s Foreign Affairs Committee has condemned the recent attacks against Israel by the terrorist group Hamas. During an emergency meeting that discussed Maltàs position on the recent attacks, all members agreed there is no justification for such an attack on Israel.
In his speech, Foreign Affairs Minister Ian Borg explained that Israel has the unequivocal right to defend itself within the parameters of international law and in adherence to the rules of war and self-defence. However, the Committee considered the Nationalist Oppositions observation that “it is also an act of aggression, depriving the Gaza territory of food, water, medicine, and electricity”. Reacting to this statement, Minister Borg agreed but also recalled the hundreds of hostages that Hamas has in their possession. The committee agreed that Maltàs stance should include not only the condemnation of all attacks but also the call for the unconditional immediate release of hostages.
The committee also included a call for “a safe corridor” through Egypt for Gaza residents who wish or need to leave before they become victims of Israeli attacks. The Foreign Affairs Minister also pointed out that as an elected member of the UN Security Committee, Malta immediately called for an urgent meeting in response to the recent events. He said that the meeting took place on Sunday, with the clear message of condemning the attacks and upholding the right to defend. Borg disclosed that he had telephone conversations with the Israeli and Palestinian foreign affairs ministers. “The Palestinian minister acknowledged that Hamas is not the Palestinian Authority, and I conveyed Maltàs profound concern regarding the abduction and killing of innocent individuals. I emphasised that when innocent lives, including those of children, are lost, no distinction should be made, as such actions are equally condemnable,” Borg said.
Speaking of the decision of the European Union to stop all financial aid to Palestine, Borg clarified that the EU knows that collective punishment is not a viable solution to the ongoing conflict but is thinking of ways to help Palestinians financially without donations reaching Hamas.
– photo credit: Malta Parliament press office –

Source: medNews