Malta with the second-highest increase in overnight stays in the EU

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) (ITALPRESS) – Malta registered the second-highest increase in overnight stays during the first half of the year when compared to the rest of the EU. The increase was by over 30% when compared to the same period last year. According to a recent Eurostat report, only Cyprus registered more overnight stays, an increase of just over 39%.
The report said: “The EU tourism industry is experiencing a strong recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic”, adding “in the first half of 2023, the number of nights spent in tourist accommodations reached its highest level in the past decade, signalling a notable resurgence in the industry’s performance in many countries”. From January to June, Malta registered over 4.3 million overnight stays, a remarkable increase from the 3.3 million in the same period the year before. June was the strongest month with 900,000 stays, accounting for just over one-fifth of the total. However, it was also the month that saw the least increase, at over 86,000 more stays. Meanwhile, March registered the greatest increase in the number of stays, with nearly 230,000 more overnight visits than in the same month in 2022. All months recorded an increase when compared to the previous year before. Across the EU, there were almost 1.2 billion overnight stays in tourist accommodation from January to June, an increase of nearly 11 million from the same period the year before and far above the 400 million in 2021.
– Photo credit Tourism office of Malta –
Source: medNews