Malta, increase in hybrid and electric cars

LA VALLETTA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese transport authorities has registered an increase in the purchase of hybrid and electric cars as a result of government grants from national and European funds.
Transport Malta, the national authority overseeing the transport sector announced that there were 3,738 plug-in hybrid cars and 7,362 electric vehicles in Malta and Gozo by the end of August 2023.
This increase in numbers, according to TM, demonstrated such grants were “well received” by the public. The government boosted its funding for sustainable transportation to €28.4 million, of which €13.4 million came from national funds and €15 million came from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP).
These schemes have reached over 5,549 beneficiaries, while €23.2 million of the €28.4 million allocated funds have already been accessed.
Transport Malta said Malta was successful in obtaining EU funds through the Recovery and Resilience Plan as a contribution to address issues with the sharp rise in energy consumption and waste creation brought on by, “rapid population growth, employment, and GDP growth in recent years”.
These funds, totaling €50.3 million, were intended to be dispersed over a period of three years, with 15 million being allocated in 2022, €15 million more being allocated in 2023, and €20.3 million by the end of 2024.
-photo Agenzia Fotogramma-

Source: medNews