On 26 and 27 August in Favignana the “Egadi Blu Fest”
FAVIGNANA (TRAPANI) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The sea experience through different and “wonderful” points of view. This is the goal of Egadi Blu Fest, which will be held in Favignana on the weekend of 26 and 27 August. The initiative is organized by the Municipality of Favignana, the entity responsible for the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area as part of the “AMPPA – Marine Protected Areas and Artisanal Fishing. Integrated management through awareness and environmental education” funded by the INTERREG V-A Programme Italy-Malta.
On Saturday 26 August in Piazza Europa, in Favignana, the cooking show “The sea narrated around the table” is scheduled at 7 pm, curated by chef Peppe Giuffrè. The Ciumara band will perform the music.
Three appointments are scheduled for Sunday 27 August, again in Piazza Europa: at 7pm the presentation of Paolo Balistrerìs book “Favignana, water paths”, at 7.45pm the talk show with the theme “The sea as a resource. Take care of it”, moderated by journalist Jana Cardinale, and at 8.30pm musical show with the Macuccusonu band.
The two days are the preview of an event scheduled from 11 to 15 September which will also involve Levanzo and Marettimo. The Egadi Islands MPA is the leader of the “AMPPA”project which aims to help protect and safeguard the marine and terrestrial biodiversity of marine protected areas (in the islands of Sicily and Malta) through the creation of systems and services for the protection and restoration of cross-border biodiversity.
The project partners are the Regional Department of Mediterranean Fishing, the Municipality of Ustica – Management body of the Marine Protected Area of the Island of Ustica, together with Gharb Local Council and Ghajnsielem Local Council representing Gozo.
“The respect towards the protection of the sea, the territory and biodiversity represent for us a precious wealth to defend and to take care of”, said the mayor Francesco Forgione, adding “the role of the Marine Protected Area must be at the forefront in respect to nature and we must carry out this task with great care”.
-photo mgg –
Source: medNews