Malta, Mangia reported to the police over alleged sexual misconduct

LA VALLETTA (MALTA/MNA) (ITALPRESS) – The Malta Football Association declared this afternoon that the national team head coach Devis Mangia has been reported to the police over alleged sexual misconduct. Mangia was temporary relieved of his official duties last week after a national team football player reported him over alleged sexual misconduct. The Italian coach has denied the accusations. A second national team player later made similar allegations. Mangia was seen leaving to Italy last week, however, MFA president Bjorn Vassallo clarified that the national team head coach did not escape to Italy but was making use of his pre- booked leave. Last week, the Malta Football Association convened for an urgent meeting during which the executive board endorsed the decision on his temporary suspension and the matter was referred to the Association’s Safeguarding Board to investigate.
In a statement issued on Monday afternoon, the Malta Football Association confirmed that it reported the allegations to the police. The MFA said it is “actively” and “constantly” evaluating all developments in relation to the case. “Although, this case still revolves around allegations, the seriousness of the claims makes it imperative for the Association to seek guidance from both FIFA and UEFA, adopting the same approach used in cases related to integrity issues in international football,” the association added. The statement came after NET News reported an interview which appeared first in Romanian media, after the mother of Razvan Popa told GSP LIVE that her son was sexually harassed by Mangia when he was coaching League 1 at Craiova University.
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Source: medNews