Covid, Malta registers a new record of positive cases in 9 months

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Malta is registering a continuning increase of new Covid-19 cases. The local health authorities has confirmed 291 new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours; thehighest number for these last nine months. With 100 confirmed recoveries, the number of known active cases is now up to1,791.22 patients are presently being treated at Mater Dei Hospital. 3 of them are in theintensive care unit. The pandemic has claimed 471 lives in Malta to date. A total of 1,007,250 vaccine doses had been administered, including 167,322 booster doses.
Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne said that Malta could expectthe Omicron variant of Covid-19 to reach Malta within days, even though no caseshave yet been detected in Malta.
Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela said “the best defence against the highlytransmissible Omicron coronavirus variant is the booster dose”. Abela said the highvaccination rate in Malta, currently at around 95%, and the booster roll-out “contributed to keeping the number of hospitalisations, especially in intensive care,stable despite the increase in cases”.
Source: medNews