Coronavirus, Vella “We are all on the same boat”
While the President of Malta George Vella thanked all the health workers for their dedication during this difficult and challenging circumstances, the maltese health authorities while announcing five other new cases of coronavirus, declared that the worse is yet to come.
In a televised message, the President of Malta appealed to the Maltese and all foreigners living in Malta to abide to all instructions issued by the health authorities. “We are all in the same boat and that as part of our extended family, your health is also a priority to us.”
Up to now, Malta has registered a total of 53 patients who were confirmed positive for COVID 19. The five new cases reported today are a 56-year-old Maltese who had a relative who was already positive. The woman had no contact with anyone. A 29-year-old Maltese who was in the United Kingdom between 8 and 15 March. The symptoms associated with coronavirus emerged on March 15. The person had followed the rules on his return to Malta and followed the quarantine. A 33-year-old Spaniard who lives and works in Malta has been tested positive. The man was in Madrid between February 29 and March 9. He showed his first symptoms on March 12. The man went to work for a couple of hours two days before showing the symptoms, but according to the health authorities his colleagues are not at risk. A 35-year-old Maltese who was in Brussels has been tested positive. The man was in quarantine and therefore there was no risk for others. The fifth case is of a 64-year-old Maltese, relative of another patient who was already tested positive. They travelled together to the United Kingdom, but on their return they were put in quarantine and the risk was controlled.
Meanwhile, the Nationalist Opposition and all associations representing various industries and the employers slammed the financial package announced yesterday evening by the Labour government, and declared that it is not adequate and definitely there will be job losses.
L’articolo Coronavirus, Vella “We are all on the same boat” proviene da Italpress.
Source: medNews