The National Water Plan (PNE) 2020-2050 constitutes a project with a roadmap to face the challenges of water for the next 30 years. The head of government, Saad Dine El Othmani, said this in Rabat. This plan is an extension of the priority water program, said the head of government who chaired a meeting of the ministerial committee on water, dedicated to the presentation of the different axes and components of the PNE project in view of its optimization and its improvement, in view of its presentation to the National Water Council. In this regard, El Othmani underlined the importance of the forward-looking and anticipatory approach and the spirit of solidarity that characterizes the components of this project, underlining the need to ensure optimal convergence of its programs. The project set a timetable for its implementation after its adoption, as well as monitoring, evaluation and recovery mechanisms, said the head of government. He also reiterated the particular importance that Morocco attaches to the problems generated by climate change, in particular those related to the guarantee of the necessary water resources, in quantity and quality, recalling the total adhesion of the Kingdom to all international initiatives related to climate challenges. In this sense, he referred to the balanced Moroccan experience in the mobilization of waters, which allowed the Kingdom to acquire significant infrastructures for the mobilization and storage of waters, which cover all the regions of the Kingdom, including large and small dams, canals distribution and treatment plants, which have greatly contributed to meeting the needs of citizens and the national economy for this vital resource. El Otmani also focused on the new challenges that Morocco, like countries all over the world, must also face in the field of mobilization, treatment and storage of water resources as well as the new measures required and on which the Sovereign continues to insist . During the meeting, the members of the ministerial committee followed a presentation by the Minister of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water, Abdelkader Amara, in which he illustrated the different pillars of the elaboration of the PNE, in the context of universal challenges that the Kingdom must face, in the light of the real directives and on the basis of the urban planning documents available in the context of consultation, participation and coordination.

L’articolo MOROCCO, FOR WATER PLAN 383 MLD DIRHAM proviene da Italpress.

Source: medNews