Bilateral judicial cooperation is a fundamental part of the strong relations between Italy and Albania. At the headquarters of the Ministry in via Arenula, the two justice ministers of the respective countries, Alfonso Bonafede and Etilda Gjonaj, reiterated this concept in a meeting that took place in an atmosphere of complete collaboration.
Fight against corruption, organized crime and terrorism, as well as cooperation in the penitentiary sector were the themes and at the center of the cordial confrontation between the two ministers in the presence of the Undersecretaries for Justice, Vittorio Ferraresi and Jacopo Morrone, the Ambassador of Albania in Italy Anila Bitri Lani and the Italian and Albanian delegations composed of: Natalia Quintavalle, Diplomatic Advisor, Federico Cafiero De Raho, National Anti-Mafia and Counterterrorism Prosecutor, Fulvio Baldi, Head of Cabinet, Raffaella Pezzuto, Head of the International Activities Coordination Office and Francesco Basentini , Head of the Prison Administration, Jonida Gaba and Florion Serjani, respectively Chief of Cabinet and Councilor of Minister Gjonaj and Albanian Attorney General Arta Marku.
The visit took place within the framework of the Pameca V, a project of the European Union that offers technical assistance to the main Albanian police agencies to strengthen their capacity to fight organized crime, of which Italy has the leadership and has articulated yesterday’s meeting at the headquarters of the DNA (National Anti-Mafia Directorate), where the two representatives of the Justice met the national anti-mafia prosecutor Federico Cafiero De Raho.
Giovanni Russo, deputy prosecutor of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, illustrated the functioning of the DNA database, while Alessandra Cataldi, director general of the automated information systems of the Judicial Organization Department presented the SIDDA – SIDNA project, the basis of a modern and efficient response of the State to organized crime, able to provide a rapid understanding of the phenomenon and its manifestations.
During his visit to Italy, the minister also met representatives of the Superior Council of Magistracy and the National Anti-corruption Authority.
Source: medNews