It will be Tree, a company specializing in Innovation and Education services, to lead the European Enisie project – Enabling Network-based Innovation through Services and Institutional Engagement over the next two years. The project is part of the “Interreg VA Italy-Malta” cooperation program, and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund with 1.4 million euro and will involve the territories of Sicily and Malta for the creation and the development of innovative businesses linked to social business and to activate commercial operations between the two islands. Tree, leader of the European project, will coordinate the team of partners made up of Impact Hub Siracusa, the Sicilian hub of social innovation, Malta Enterprise – Life Sciences and the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector. The program, the note continues, has already entered the operational phase, after last week meeting in Malta, among the four partners that have appointed the steering committee that will lead the activities over the next 24 months. The program will start from the mapping of the reality of innovation, present in Sicily and Malta, to be strengthened thanks to targeted interventions, to create new jobs and an Italian-Maltese commercial bridge able to trigger a virtuous circle to the advantage of the two realities. And of the entire Mediterranean area.
Among the objectives of the project, there is also the creation of an online platform to promote business activities and connections at the Mediterranean and European level. “We are proud to be able to lead this partnership to achieve such ambitious objectives for Sicily and for the whole ecosystem – says Tree CEO, Antonio Perdichizzi – We are sure that, thanks to the peculiarities of all the partners that are part of the project, we will be able to make an important contribution to the development of a territory that has so much to offer, putting it in a position to seize the opportunities and become a best practice at European level “.
Source: medNews