The Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture has announced that total cereal production for the 2016-2017 agricultural season amounts to 96 million quintals, almost three times more than the previous year (35.5 million quintals). This is a very positive result, favored by the trend of atmospheric precipitations, which had instead penalized the 2015-2016 campaign. The production of this year is distributed on three main cereals: wheat (49 million tonnes), barley (25 million), hard wheat (22 million). The Moroccan regions that have contributed the most to this good performance are those of Rabat-Salé-Kénitra and Grand-Casablanca-Settat. The Ministry of Agriculture pointed out that atmospheric precipitation this year was 327 mm, 51 percent more than the previous year. The irregular pattern of rainfall in Morocco strongly affects cereal crops: for example, the 2014-2015 campaign saw a record 114.6 million quintals, while the previous one produced 68.5 million quintals.
Source: medNews