Mario Sammartino is the new ambassador of Italy to Malta and to him the Farnesina sends a tweet of “good luck” on the day of official settlement in Valletta.
Born in 1956, in Naples, Mario Sammartino graduated in Law in Milan in 1983. He entered a diplomatic career in 1985 and began his professional career at the Directorate for Development Cooperation.
His career abroad began in 1986 at the Embassy in Columbus and continues in Dortmund, where in 1991 he assumed the functions of Consul. In 1994 he was transferred, as a Consul, to Mar del Plata.
Returning to the Farnesina in 1995, he was assigned to the Directorate General for Development Cooperation. He returned to serve abroad in 2000 in Rabat, while in 2004 he was sent as Ambassador to Libreville.
In 2007, he returned to Rome, where he took over from the General Directorate of Sub-Saharan Africa. He was then appointed Deputy Director-General for Development Cooperation with functions related to the programming and implementation of co-operation interventions. In 2012 he was appointed ambassador to Kuala Lumpur.
He is married to Federica Modena, with whom she has a daughter of twenty years, Ilaria.
Source: medNews