The Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti received a visit at Palazzo Baracchini by General Khalifa Belqasim Haftar during a series of meetings and contacts between the national authorities and the Libyan authorities.
The meeting focused on the issues of stabilization of Libya, the fight against international terrorism and the control of migratory flows.
Minister Pinotti reiterated “the Italian support to the inclusive policy of UN envoy Gassam Salamé to give further impetus to Libyan political dialogue and has hoped that all parties can effectively contribute to that strategy, excluding any military solution.” She reiterated that “any Italian cooperation initiative is in full respect for the sovereignty of Libya, and adhering to Libyan demands”.
General Haftar recalled “the suffering of the Libyan people after seven years of war and the need for a rapid solution to ensure Libya’s stability and unity”. The Cirenaica exponent thanked Minister Pinotti for “the Italian commitment to the North African country recognizing the collaborative spirit aimed at the pacification of Libya”.
In particular, General Haftar expressed his gratitude “for Italy’s availability in the health sector, taking care of the most delicate cases of the Libyan citizens wounded, in the hospitals of our country”.
Previously, the Libyan guest had met the Chief of Defense Staff General Claudio Graziano for a talk on military technical issues. The discussion between the two generals focused on the activities of contrast carried out by General Haftar’s forces against ISIS militias in Cirenaica, and on the will to collaborate in the fight against terrorism and the fight against illicit trafficking.
The visit, which took place “in a climate of friendliness”, explains the ministry of Defense, ended with the hope that “the goal of a peaceful country can be achieved soon”.
Source: medNews