LUISS Guido Carli, in collaboration with the Terzo Pilastro Foundation – Italy launches “Progetto Mediterraneo”: a support initiative for students from the Near and Middle East, including refugees which, thanks to the agreement with Petra University of Jordan and the University of Malta, will have the opportunity to attend university courses in the Departments of the Free International University of Social Studies. The “Mediterranean Project” was presented in the new LUISS premises of Villa Blanc, in the presence of Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano, President of the Third Pillar Foundation Italy and Mediterranean Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele, President of LUISS Emma Marcegaglia, Executive Vice President Luigi Serra, Rector Paola Severino, General Manager Giovanni Lo Storto and Marwan El Muwalla, President of the University of Petra, Jordan. Connected with Skype, the President of the Republic of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.
“It is an initiative that puts LUISS as a privileged interlocutor between the two sides of the Mediterranean, strengthening dialogue and knowledge among young talents coming from neighboring countries but too often perceived far and different. The future of new generations also lies in the possibility of being connected and united in a common development plan. The objective of the Project is to attract young people of quality, laying the foundations for a new dimension of exchange and cooperation, in a strategic high potential area like the Mediterranean. Students will be given the opportunity to study at LUISS thorugh scholarships, and return to their countries as members of the future ruling class”, says LUISS President Emma Marcegaglia.
Twenty young people will be joining the prestigious initiative. A first phase, which has already started, involves the selection of young talents from Petra University, from different nationalities, who will be able, from the next academic year (2017/18), to attend a three-year degree course at LUISS in collaboration with the Jordanian Faculty of Administrative & Financial Sciences. The Mediterranean project will also be joined by Morocco with a mobility initiative between LUISS and Universities of Cadi Ayyad, Mohammed de Rabat University and the Fès Euro-Mediterranean University, which will include the selection of at least three Moroccan students who may, starting from 2019/20, attend a MA degree in LUISS.
“The great challenge facing the” Mediterranean Project “promoted by the Third Pillar Foundation together with LUISS University is to strengthen Euro-Mediterranean political and economic cooperation through a common educational path for young people, focusing on dialogue and on cooperation at the highest levels of training and research, as well as to encourage the meeting between economic operators, institutions and representatives of Universities in order to create a knowledgeable management class aware of the opportunities arising from a greater interaction between economic, social, cultural and political aspects of the area. Once the graduate course is completed, the 20 selected students will be provided with basic skills to continue their studies in the country of origin and become the managers of the future, assuming that the culture and knowledge of the principles of finance and business techniques are the basis for the revival of the Mediterranean area”, says Emmanuele Emanuele, President of the Third Pillar Foundation – Italy and the Mediterranean.
Source: medNews