A new freight link with a dedicated vessel on the Catania-Malta route. The Onorato Armatori Group continues its consolidation operation in Sicily, with an innovation that as of the end of March will give hauliers an even wider range of routes offered to and from Sicily: the opening of a connection (in addition to that already weekly existing), operated with a dedicated ship, on the Catania-Malta route with four weekly departures from each port and specifically calibrated times on the needs of goods sector, in particular for the food sector. The ship, 1500 linear meters, will transport both trailer and is automobiles.
Onorato Armatori continues its policy to strengthen its network. In Sicily it is foreseen the reinforcement of the offer with the inclusion of a 2600 ro-ro (20 kts speed) on the route Genoa – Livorno – Catania, which will allow the programming of a more efficient route that will satisfy, even more, the needs of the sector.
In spring, the goods department will be further strengthened with a 3500 mt (27 kts speed) ro-ro that will allow for more efficiency both on journey times and on delivery time of the goods.
“We can only thank all our customers that are strongly supporting us in our major expansion plan – says the Director commercial goods Tirrenia, Pierre Canu -, especially in Sicily. Thanks to their Support, we are confident that in the short term we can complete our offer to provide them with the best service “.
This investment policy is already paying off. In 2017 both Moby and Tirrenia grew significantly. Even in February, the trend remained positive, with an increase of total freight traffic of 10%, doubled compared the previous month. And only in Sicily, in the first two months of 2017, a +24% increase was recorded.
Source: medNews