The Board of Directors of the Civitan International ( appointed Professor Gaetano Armao as Secretary General for Malta.

Armao, who was already honorary member of the Civitan International in our country, contributed to the development of this organization in southern Europe and now he will take care of building the Maltese District.

Civitan International, based in Birmingham, Alabama, is an international organization of civil society clubs founded in 1917. The organization aspires to “build good citizens”, providing a volunteering organization based on clubs that satisfy individual and collective needs, with particular attention to assistance for people with “development disabilities”.

4 USA Presidents, among which Roosevelt and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, were members of the Civitan International, as well as many important characters of the USA history, such as Thomas Edison and Cornelius Vanderbilt.

Gaetano Armao, born in Palermo in 1962, is a lawyer, Professor at the University of Palermo, Researcher at the London School of Economics and at the Harward Law School (Boston). He held several posts in the government of the Sicilian region, among which Assessor for culture and economy, showing great commitment in the defense of autonomies and in the friendship activities between Sicily and the Anglo-Saxon world, with emphasis on the relations between Malta and the USA.


Source: medNews