Divergent opinions between the Israeli Public Comptroller and the Israeli Post on the level of upgrade of the international posting system. While, on the one hand, the public authority notices some inefficiency, on the other hand the Post claims the progress made in the last two years. This is what the economic newspaper Globes refers today. 

Israeli Post representatives argue that the study, whose findings seem not to be satisfactory, was carried out in 2015, a period in which the company was undergoing a major reorganization plan with new management that gave strategic development importance to the on-line market.

This strategy led to an increase of the delivery facilities from 700 to 1000 planned, longer opening hours of the post offices, a more efficient customer service, the possibility of having home service, apps and tracking services.

With this strategy, the Israeli Post are getting ready to satisfy a constantly growing demand of on-line services, which involves Israel as any other mature economy.


Source: medNews