Test drilling and geological seabed are being held in Delimara to define the route of the pipeline linking Malta with Italy.
According to recent statements by the Maltese Minister without portfolio, Konrad Mizzi, the operation is part of a comprehensive study concerning the route of the pipeline in the seabed, the basic design and documentation necessary for requesting permission for its construction.
The study lasting one year is conducted by a private company and is co-financed by the European Community.
The pipeline will allow the island was no longer dependent on oil for electricity generation.
Float unit of temporary storage of gas will be used till it has completed the pipeline. This will mean that once completed the construction of the pipeline, the unit will be removed and the emissions will be considerably reduced.
It important to note that the pipeline has nothing to do with the interconnector, which transports electricity directly. The pipeline will supply gas to the Delimara power plant that will generate electricity later.
The Maltese government is committed to the realization of the project in the shortest possible time to ensure the Maltese households and companies providing energy.
The project is part of a PIC list presented by the European Commission on October 14, 2013.
A Project of Interest Municipality (PIC) is defined as a project can offer significant improvements to at least two Member States, contributing to market integration and the enhancement of competition and security of supply and the reduction of CO2 emissions.
The pipeline will link Gela with Malta with a unit of FSRU regasification and will have a length of 150 km with a daily capacity of 1.1 million cubic meters/g.
Source: medNews