The Investment Commission has recently prepared a list of 45 projects as an investment opportunity for a value of about $ 4 billion that cover seven economic sectors: transportation, water, energy, tourism, logistics, industry and real estate development.

Interestingly, the Investment Commission, in cooperation with USAID will contact a specialized agency to implement the strategy of promotion of investments over the years (2017-2019).

The strategy aims to attract and encourage investment domestic and foreign, the promotion of investment and the environment investment opportunities, to provide services to investors, building a database of local and foreign investors to facilitate communication and raise awareness, in cooperation with the Jordanian Embassies abroad,

Investment opportunities in the Hashemite Kingdom. Net foreign direct investment in Jordan during the first quarter of this year increased by 53.3% amounting to 120.1 million dinars, compared with the same quarter last year.


Source: medNews