Tunisia intends to produce 30% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. And how is provided for the ambitious goals set by the Tunisian government, which just examined the energy development plan with specific emphasis on clean sources, particularly those derived from the sun.
According to reports from the government through a presidential statement, the objective of the strategy is to create growth and jobs by exploiting renewable energy. In this sense, the Council of Ministers stressed the need to adopt as soon as the new law on the production and sale of electricity from renewable sources. The sector has good development potential also for Italians entrepreneurs, in view to the completion of the submarine power cable to connect Italy and Tunisia which should carry Terna.
On May 20, the CEO of Enel Green Power, Francesco Venturini, and the director of the Tunisian institution of renewable electric division Steg, Moncef Harrabi, signed in Rome a cooperation agreement in the energy field to strengthen the Italian presence in Tunisia and support the economy at this stage of social and political transition. The agreement was signed on the sidelines of RES4MED, the annual conference dedicated to renewable energy sources and investment in the Mediterranean and in
Source: medNews