The Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy, Moulay Hafid Elalamy, presented in Casablanca, the new investment charter. A text that the business world has been waiting for several years. It is based on three pillars – specific works, services and connectivity – which are supported by other measures, such as establishment of free zones, the establishment of indirect exporter status for subcontractors and restructuring of investment promotion and export organizations.
The new investment charter is based on consolidation of the instruments accompanying investors. Moulay Hafid of Elalamy, Minister of Industry, Trade, investment and the Digital Economy said that this paper takes into account a new size of investments, regional development plans and the decongestion axis Rabat-Casablanca-Tangier. This approach necessarily involves the offer in terms of regionally available quality of work. After two years of work conducted with the various associations, the minister said, were identified 427,000 jobs by 2020. The document contains, for the first time, the profiles available each year in each of the 12 regions, providing best signs for graduates and future investors. The investment reform is also based on key measures such as exemptions from corporate income tax for 5 years, and the granting of certain benefits for large investors wishing to locate their activities outside of the 12 areas.
Source: medNews