Lebanon has received loans for 372.67 million dollars from the Islamic Development Bank, aimed at infrastructure projects covering the entire country. The five loan agreements were signed by the President of the CDR, the Council for Development and Reconstruction, Nabil Jisr, and the President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani, at the headquarters of CDR in Beirut.
The first loan allocates 128 million dollars for a project to supply drinking water in Beirut and Mount Lebanon through the Yasseri dam. This project, which is co-financed by the World Bank, will provide in Beirut and Mount Lebanon 12 million cubic meters of water per year. The project also involves the construction of a power plant with a power of 12 MW and a station capable of treating 25,000 cubic meters of water per day.
The second loan, of 87.5 million dollars, is intended for a treatment center and water purification in the Ghadir area (North Lebanon), which should benefit more than 1.1 million people.
The third loan, which amounts to 60.97 million dollars and was intended to southern Lebanon, to supply the region with drinking water continuously and without interruption. Over 150,000 people can have a benefits of this project once completed. The fifth project is valued 69.50 million dollars, involves the completion of a fast highway to the north of Tripoli.
Source: medNews