The Chinese energetics companies, after investing 1.7 billion dollars in a power plant in Yumurtalik, they did an offer for investment from 2 to 10 billion dollars, respectively in the areas of wind and solar Turkish, and an offer of 3 billion dollars for a power plant. The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Berat Albayrak, during his recent visit to China, he has signed with the EMBA Electricity Production Co. Inc. an agreement for an investment in energy of 15 billion dollars. The EMBA Electricity Production
Co. Inc., founded by Destinations Bilgün, was purchased by China’s Shanghai Electric, which now holds the majority stake.
For the investments in progress, Bilgün said: “The our senior Chinese partner intends to invest in wind power plants, to ensure that they reach the power of 600 MW. The fee for this investment is almost 2 billion dollars. We are also interested in coal deposits in Karapinar district of Konya. We signed an agreement confidentiality with Electricity Generation Company (EUAs).”
Just one of Karapinar rise Energy Specialization Industry Zone. Bilgün has manifested a desire to build a plant solar power of 3,000 MW, to the value of 10 billion dollars. Finally, Bilgün said that among the purposes of the company’s to build a power station of the power of 2000 MW near Ambarli, where the government has a plant over the gas conversion. The offer made by EMBA Electrics Prodoction Co. Inc. plans to invest 2.5 billion dollars, but it could go up to 3 billion dollars.
Source: medNews