Tunisia joined the Enterprise Europe Network through the creation of a consortium EEN Tunisia, composed of five Tunisian authorities: the Conect, employers’ trade organization, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis, the Cepex public institution in support the private sector, the Elgazala technology hub, under the Agency’s supervision of industry and Innovation Promotion (API). EEN Tunisia constitutes the fulfillment of a strategic partnership between the five members of the consortium to offer businesses Tunisian privileged access to a multitude of European value-added services and integrated services for enterprises and innovation. To strengthen their competitiveness and to address new markets and development models Tunisian companies have no choice but to move towards innovative projects consolidating their relationships with their national and international partners and position of new markets. The Enterprise Europe Network was created in 2008 and it is the first official network of the European Commission which aims to offer to SMEs a range of integrated services and support based on innovation, relying on proximity organizations to be closer to the needs of companies operating in the area. This is the most extensive European network dedicated to innovation and internationalization for companies, with more than 600 partners spread in more than 54 countries inside and outside the European Union. Since its creation EEN helped 11,500 enterprises in the signing of trade partnerships, exchanges of technology and research, accompanied 137,000 of them in fairs and international fairs, responded to 770,000 requests on European legislation, it has attracted more than 1.35 million of people to its events.
Source: medNews