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Aġenzija ta’ l-Aħbarijiet!? Pass wara pass fl-istorja tal-ġurnaliżmu Malti wasal ukoll il-mument li jinstabu l-kuraġġ u l-ambizzjoni biex f’livell nazzjonali tinħoloq għajn oħra ta’ informazzjoni u aħbarijiet indipendenti. Idea ġdida u differenti minn dak li fl-aħħar snin it-teknoloġija  twebbilna bih ta’ kuljum. Servizz li l-għeruq tiegħu huma dawk tradizzjonali, klassiċi, iżda kif jurina l-operat ta’ kuljum, jibqa’ fundamentali fil-qasam tat-tixrid ta’ l-informazzjoni u l-aħbarijiet. Dawk il-ġurnalisti biex insejħulhom hekk maturi (jien inkluż) jafu xi jfisser ikollok gabuba fejn, f’kakofonija ta’ storbju ta’ metall jimmartella fuq il-linka, rombli sħaħ ta’ karti jinfirxu ma’ l-art bl-aħbarijiet mill-agenziji barranin, dawk bi ħlas u dawk li l-qawwiet mill-Punent u mill-Lvant kienu jqassmu b’xejn f’kull kamra ta’ l-aħbarijiet ma’ l-erbat irjieħ tad-dinja biex jgħidu tagħhom. Illum dawn l-għejjun għadhom hemm…. fis-skiet assolut……iżda iktar b’saħħithom minn qabel! Iż-żminijiet jinbidlu u kif! Dak iż-żmien kienu l-unika tieqa fuq id-dinja, tneħħi t-televiżjoni taljan u xi stazzjon tar-radju fuq il-frekwenzi qosra.

L-għan ta’ Malta News Agency huwa dak li toħloq servizz ta’ informazzjoni nazzjonali mmirat għall-professjonisti ta’ l-aħbar u għal kull min għandu interess li jkun infurmat, b’mod immedjat u b’garanzija ta’ kwalità, b’dak li jkun qed jiġri fil-pajjiż u madwaru. Malta llum għandha rwol ferm akbar fix-xenarju reġjonali u internazzjonali, u xieraq li jkollha leħen b’saħħtu hija wkoll. Ir-rabta mall-Aġenzija ITALPRESS hija wkoll importanti għaliex bl-esperjenza u l-firxa tagħha se tkun qed twassal lill hinn minn xtutna l-aħbarijiet meħtieġa b’mod koordinat, u fl-istess ħin issaħħaħ il-qasam ta’ l-informazzjoni sportiva kemm lokali u anki barranija. Il-kollegi Cucci u Zuccala’ żgur li m’għandhom bżonn ta’ l-ebda introduzzjoni mad-dilettanti Maltin tal-logħba tal-ballun u ta’ bosta dixxiplini oħra. U l-entużjażmu tagħhom għal din l-avventura, emmnuni, huwa impressjonanti….. semmilhom Malta u ma jieqfux jirrankutaw l-esperjenzi tagħhom!

Dan il-websajt huwa biss vetrina…..Malta News Agency hija xi ħaġa oħra….!



Down Memory Lane

Malta has represented my debut in my international career as a sports journalist! That was 50 years ago.
In early 1963 I was assigned the first coverage of the ‘Nazionale’, the ‘azzurrini’ of the semi-professionals. The coach was Mr. Galluzzi, called “I’ggallo”, in the dialect of Tuscany.
I still remember some of the players, such as Ferrari Enzo (!), who became the first coach in a foreign country, with the Real Saragozza.
In Malta we had won, but in my memory lane there still is a particular event, nothing to do with sports. There, I discovered the Beatles. In the narrow streets of Valletta the air was resounding with “Please Please Me”, the very first hit of the Liverpool boys.
Later on, the Island’s football also gained a place in the “Guerin Sportivo”, of which I was the Managing Editor, and on my return to the Island, I discovered that the Maltese sports enthusiasts knew me even before I started participating in Rai’s Tv programmes, which were followed by the Maltese juventini, interisti, milanisti, napoletani, – like ‘Domenica Sportiva’, ‘Processo del lunedì’ and ‘Domenica Sprint’.
After half a century, on the occasion of the return to Malta of the National Team, – with Antonio Conte at the helm ready to face the boys of ‘our’ Ghedin – it seemed to me more than natural the launching of a project which draws me even closer to Malta. The setting up of the first Maltese national news agency in partnership with Italpress, the dynamic agency, which along to its specialisation in Sports carries a wide spectrum of news on political, economic, entertainment, environment, and why not, rule of law issues. Our’s – mine – is a passion for the Mediterranean which finds its roots in a common culture, over and above that fascinating Nature that embellishes our surroundings.
I am confident that this adventure will contribute to the further development of the local information sector, and together with you, will become the flagship of information in the Mediterranean.
Un augurio per tutti: buon lavoro!

A Small Island with Notable Cultural and Sports Traditions

Italpress has come to a country of historical traditions strictly linked to Italy, not only for its geographical proximity, but above all, for the sharing of civilization and customs.
Today sports belong to the daily reality of every country and the relations between Italy and Malta are deeply rooted also in this sector. Pietro Ghedin, the coach of the national football team is the latest example.

I’m particularly attracted to Malta because during my years at Rai-Tv, the Italian public broadcaster, many Maltese viewers used to follow me just like when I worked for ‘Antenna Sicilia’ channel. That’s why the Island of Malta is among my preferred destinations. This is a land where some famous football champions have passed and I’ve been particularly fascinated by the story of Sir Stanley Matthews, who at the venerable age of sixty played for Sliema after having a star career in British soccer.
If I well remember there was also a historical England – Malta match for the world championship qualifiers in the 60s, which the White Lions had won 1-0, with many risks, with goalkeeper Banks being the protagonist for his saves. We cannot forget Carmelo Busuttil who played in Italy and Belgium and especially the present scorer Mifsud who has played for Bayern Leverkusen before moving to Coventry. In the F.A. Cup Mifsud scored two unforgettable goals at the Old Trafford against Manchester United. He will certainly be a protagonist too in the much awaited Malta-Italy match. Other Italian coaches have been in Malta, apart from Ghedin and Piccioni. Players include Paris, Policano, Bergodi. On the island there is also a flourishing breeding ground for young players and the Under 17 team has already produced some important results. Moreover I woud like to mention the target shooting champion William Chetcut who won many medals at world level and the billiard ace Tony Drago, just to cite some names.

As we can see there are many reasons to speak about Maltese sports.
A small Island with notable cultural and sports traditions that our agency will highlight.
Our’s is a publishing effort and we are sincerely convinced that you will welcome it with pleasure, and together open new avenues for Sports Information and News. For this reason Italpress is the first to land in Malta.