“Valuing Mediterranean specificities of agriculture and its products to place them with greater force to the center of the European agenda to avoid being sacrificed on the altar of international political games without any consideration of the impact on the territory, health, environment and employment”. This is the objective of the Task Force Mediterranean desired by the president of Coldiretti Roberto Moncalvo, first vice-president of European farmers, Copa, and approved unanimously by the EU agricultural organizations and cooperatives. The initiative – said Moncalvo – the eve of the ratification of the agreement between the European Union and Southern African Development Community, primarily South Africa to increase the input subsidized period of oranges, after similar agreements have resulted in the invasion of Tunisian olive oil, Moroccan tomato, Cambodian rice and Vietnam with a heavy impact on Mediterranean production. This is to protect a European heritage that not only generates wealth and jobs thanks to record-breaking numbers for added value and high use of labor compared to other sectors but – continues Moncalvo – allows you to bring the EU and worldwide market the highest quality products as evidenced the recognition of the Mediterranean diet as intangible heritage protected by UNESCO. “The Mediterranean is not only the cradle of civilization and values that are the basis of our Europe – says the president Moncalvo – but also offers significant prospects for development of agriculture and the EU economy.


Source: medNews